Bute Shinty & Athletic Club Trustees’ Annual Report — Year ended 30 June 2024
Reference and Administrative Information
Charity Name | Bute Shinty & Amateur Athletic Club SCIO |
Charity Registration No. | sc049581 |
Contact Address | The Treasurer
3 Meadows Road Rothesay Isle of Bute PA200ED |
Trustees: | Duncan Cowan
James Craig Heather Ferguson Resigned 24th November 2023 John Wilson Resigned 24th November 2023 John MacIntyre Stewart Stirling Ryan Craig Peter Atkins Rory McDonald — Resigned 24th November 2023 Alan Liddell Craig Fisher — Resigned 24th November 2023 Ryan Tierney —Appointed 24th November 2023 Josh Cowan — Appointed 24th November 2023 David Rutherford —Appointed 24th November 2023 Gordon Currie — Appointed 24th November 2023 |
Principal Office Bearers: | |
Chairperson | Barry Martin |
Vice Chairperson | Jimmy Duncan |
Treasurer | David Herriot |
Secretary | Craig Harrower |
Independent Examiner | One 2 One Accountancy
10 Gallowgate Rothesay Isle of Bute PA20 OHR |
Bankers | Bank of Scotland Direct |
36-42 Montague Street
Rothesay PA20 OBU
Trustees’ Annual Report — Year ended 30 June 2024
Objectives and Activities
The Organisation’s purposes are: The advancement of public participation in the amateur sport of Shinty on the Isle of Bute in furtherance of which it will engage in the following: development and provision of opportunities to play the game of shinty at all levels (youth, adult and ladies) participation in league fixtures and national cup competitions across Scotland in club colours of red and white, provision of the facilities necessary to the achievement of the above purposes. To encourage a healthy lifestyle for all ages by allowing access to the facilities by other groups and individuals. To promote any other sport or organisation which the members deem worthy of support.
Structure, Governance and Management
Governing Document
The charity is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (a SCIO). It was registered in its current legal form on 30/08/2019. The charity was previously unincorporated. The Assets of the Unincorporated Association were transferred to the SCIO on the 30/08/2019. It has a Two-Tier structure, therefore the board is elected by and accountable to a wider body of ordinary members at an AGM. Members have ultimate control, rather than the board, which manages and supervises the activities of the organisation, and monitors its financial position
Recruitment and Appointment of Trustees
All Charity Trustees are appointed or re-appointed by the members at the annual General Meeting or co-opted onto board as and when required.
Trustee Induction and Training
The appointment of a new trustee is made after the Board’s discussion regarding the skills, abilities and experiences that they can bring to Bute Shinty & Athletic Club. On the recruitment of new Trustees, they are given guidelines and documentation on their responsibilities. There is also an explanation and discussion of roles and responsibilities during their first committee meeting.
Risk Management
The Trustees assess the risks of the Charity regularly and have noted the main risks found as Health and Safety and Financial. These are being monitored and the Trustees are doing everything to minimise these risks. We have now been able to purchase the Clubhouse which has given the club stability and security.
Organisational Structure
Management of the charity’s affairs are vested in its board of Trustees. The board meets on a regular monthly basis to discuss charity affairs.
Trustees’ Annual Report — Year ended 30 June 2024
Related Parties
The trustees have had some related party transactions with W & J Duncan Garage, which is owned by Jimmy Duncan who is our Vice Chair, these transactions totalled C 1811.72
Performance and Achievements
The charity aims to promote the sport of shinty on the Isle of Bute.
Our reporting begins on 1 st July 2023 which is effectively the second half of the 2023 playing season. We entered this period with the senior team in a commanding position in South Division 1 and the development team doing fairly well in South Division 2. This young team had supplied a few ofthe more senior players to the first team which made their defence of the Division 2 title challenging. The first team were also due to play a Balliemore Cup semifinal on July 1st
The first team went on to secure the Division I title without dropping a point and lost out in the national Balliemore Cup Semi Final to a physically stronger Kilmallie side from a division above. This was a good indication of the standard which would be required on promotion to the National League.
The development team finished in a very creditable second place in Division 2 behind a strong Kilmory team.
The success of the club was recognised by the Camanachd Association and the club received the Fair Play Award. First team coach James Craig received the Coach of the Year award for the South Area Leagues and his son Ryan the corresponding Player of the Year Award.
The 2024 parts of the reporting period started with good numbers attending training and this has followed through. with both the senior team and development team performing well in their respective leagues. Predictably the first team found the step up to National League challenging particularly as the weather rendered their home pitch unplayable for much of the early part of the season. The combination of travel and the step up meant that there was a succession of mainly narrow defeats in the league up until the end of the reporting period. There was optimism that a succession of home games to come would allow the team to maintain their place in the league. This optimism partly stemmed from a good Camanachd Cup run where fellow National League sides Colglen and Oban Celtic were defeated in impressive away victories. The draw for the next round threw up the hardest match possible against holders Kingussie away from home. The team emerged with credit and some good individual performances despite eventually falling to a heavy defeat.
The development team have performed well in the first half of the 2024 season and at the end of the reporting period were in a challenging position just behind Inveraray in the league and with a home semi-final in the Bullough Cup to look forward to.
Four of our players were also selected for the South under 21 side which competed in the Caol Cup against their north rivals at the end of last season. This is a good representation from a single club.
In last year’s report we expressed the hope that the ladies’ side would be competing in 2024, Unfortunately this hasn’t proved possible, but as for last year several of the ladies are still very active in the club and we hope that 2025 may bring a return for this section.
At junior level we have 20/25 training weekly at primary school level .
Bute had success at the end of last season and at under 14 level winning the National Development League Trophy with a convincing win over Glengarry in the final and have moved through the local league stages this year to qualify for the semi-final.
We didn’t enter the Under 17 league this year as we now have a very clear pathway for the 14—17-year-olds into the Division 2 team where they can learn in a competitive environment supported by some very experienced senior players who act as player-coaches and mentor the youngsters.
The clubhouse facilities continue to be well used by the wider community for keep fit, Irish Dancing and meetings of various organisations. Our agreement with Argyll and Bute Council to provide changing facilities for other sports has now expired, however, the local amateur football team do hire the facilities directly when they are able to play on the grass park, Weather conditions during their winter season mean that many of their games are now played on the all-weather surface at the local school.
The clubhouse has hosted several parties and weddings as well as our club prizegiving/players’ night and some charitable events all of which generate useful bar income for the club.
There have also been several funeral services and wakes held in the main hall.
Our club lottery has been revived following Covid and whilst the income is not as strong as it once was it continues to recover. We continue to look at options for putting it online, but it is quite tricky without losing some of our loyal base of supporters.
The charity has registered for Gift Aid.
We continue to invest in the facilities and most of the new windows have now been fitted. Funding for purchase of the windows came from the Co-op Community Fund and fitting has been carried out by club members who are experienced construction workers. Redecoration of the main hall will be the next project.
We were also fortunate that electricity and gas contracts were renewed ahead of the major price hikes, so we are protected from these until August 2025
Overall, the trustees are of the opinion that the year has been a fairly successful one to date and we are very hopeful of a strong outcome to the playing season.
Risks and Future Plans
As the club has a liquor license we don’t enjoy full exemption from non-domestic rates, which, since revaluation run at some €364 per month. Examination of the assessment has shown that it is flawed, and an appeal has been lodged. This level of monthly spending is an ongoing burden, and we are hopeful that it will be greatly reduced. Unfortunately, there seem to be significant delays in the Assessor dealing with the appeals. We remain hopeful of a significant decrease.
As noted above we are protected from the fuel market until August 25. The prices on renewal do represent a risk.
Measures to mitigate the retirement of our club secretary appear to have been successful and the new secretary is settling in well. We are fortunate to have his predecessor still available to provide advice as required.
The opening of Bute Yard and the completion of Rothesay Pavilion may represent some risk to our fundraising events particularly for hosting weddings.
On the playing side we regard it as vital to maintain our National League place this year. The possibility of our development team recapturing the Division 2 trophy and going up to Division 1 is still alive at the time of writing. It would be a real challenge to turn out two teams at these levels each week. The work falls on a small number of individuals and we really need to broaden that base.
We also hope to revive interest in the ladies’ team with a faint hope that we might have a competitive team in 2025.
The proposed building of a storage shed by two other local charities on the old tennis court which the Club owns does not seem to be going ahead. There may still be a prospect of a tennis court being reinstated on part of this ground. The charity would normally be supportive of such a development, however, it all seems rather uncertain at the moment.
Trustees’ Annual Report — Year ended 30 June 2024
Principal Funding Sources
Principal Funding has come from sources such as Clubhouse Bar for various private functions, Fund raising Activities, Lottery run By Bute Shinty, and private individual donations, also received funding via Co-op Community Fund.
Reserves Policy
Our policy is to keep six months of annual expenditure based on 2024 figures this equates to 25,483.00. We have deducted additional Repair Expenses of €2,358.00 from the total expenditure as this will be non-recurring. This would enable us to wind down charity in an orderly manner and honour any commitments we may have if the Charity was to cease. At
30.06.2024 unrestricted reserves amounted to E39,433.00 which is above the target level.
Statement of Trustees’ Responsibilities
The charity Trustees are responsible for preparing a Trustees Annual Report and Financial Statements in accordance with applicable requirements with the Charities and Trustees
Investment (Scotland) Act 2005, the Charities Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2006. The Trustees are responsible for keeping proper accounting records, which, on request, must reflect the financial position of the Charity at any time. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Charity and must take reasonable steps for the prevention and/or detection of fraud and other irregularities.
Approved by the Trustees and signed on their behalf,
Date: I Q- I
Independent Examiner’s Report to the Trustees of Bute Shinty & Athletic Club SCIO.
I Report on the accounts of the charity for the year ended 30 June 2024 which are set out on pages I to 10.
Respective responsibilities of trustees and examiner
The charity’s trustees are responsible for the preparation of the accounts in accordance with the terms of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 and the Charities Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2006.
The charity trustees consider that the audit requirement of Regulation IO(l)(d) of the Accounts Regulations does not apply. It is my responsibility to examine the accounts as required under Section 44(1)(c) of the Act and to state whether matters have come to my attention.
Basis of independent examiner’s statement
My examination is carried out in accordance with Regulation 11 of the Charities Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2006. An examination includes a review of the accounting records kept by the charity and a comparison of the accounts presented with those records. It also includes consideration of any unusual items or disclosures in the accounts and seeks explanations from the trustees concerning any such matters. The procedures undertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be required in an audit, and consequently I do not express an audit opinion on the view given by the accounts.
Independent examiner’s statement
During my examination no matter has come to my attention
- which gives me reasonable cause to believe that in any material respect the requirements:
*To keep accounting records in accordance with Section 44(l)(a) of the 2005 Act and
Regulation 4 of the 2006 Accounts Regulations, and
* To prepare accounts which accord with the accounting records and comply with
Regulation 9 of the 2006 Accounts Regulations have not been met, or
- to which, in my opinion, attention should be drawn to enable a proper understanding of the accounts to be reached.
Mrs L A Paul — AIAAP, MIAB One 2 One Accountancy Services, 10 Gallowgate Rothesay
Isle of Bute, PA20 OHR
Date: ) ) 2— ) 2—02-4
Bute Shinty & Athletic Club
Unrestricted | Restricted | ||||
Funds | Funds | Total | Total | ||
Receipts | Note | 2024 | 2024 | 2024 | 2023 |
Donations | 3 | 18,544 | 1,000 | 19,544 | 10,071 |
Activities for generating Funds | 9,810 | 9,810 | 8,861 | ||
Membership Donations | 3,140 | 3,140 | 1,760 | ||
Gift Aid | 300 | 300 | |||
Grants | 31,794 | 1 ,ooo | 32,794 | 20,692 | |
Hall Hire | 1 1,575 | 11,575 | 4, 124 | ||
Bar Takings Janitorial | 17,052 | 17,052 | 19,452
275 |
Tax on Charitable Activities Miscellaneous | 146 | 1,031
85 |
28 773 | 1 000 | 28 773 | 24 967 | ||
Total Receipts
Payments |
60 567 | 1 000 | 61 567 | 45 659 | |
Cost of Generating Funds | 654 | 654 | |||
Charitable Activities | 4 | 49,575 | 1 ,ooo | 50,575 | 51 ,423 |
Other — Assets | 6 | 180 | |||
Governance Costs | 5 | 4,454 | 4,454 | 947 | |
Total Payments | 54 683 | 1 000 | 55 683 | 52 550 | |
5 884 | 5 884 | (6,891.) |
Receipts and Payments Account – Year ended 30 June 2024
Excess of Receipts over Payments (Payments over Receipt) for the year
Bute Shinty & Athletic Club
Statement of Balances at 30 June 2024
Unrestricted | Restricted | Total | Total | |
Bank and Cash Balances | Funds | Funds | 2024 | 2023 |
Balances brought forward
Movement in year |
33,549 | 33,549 | 40,440 | |
Excess of Receipts over Payments
Bank and Cash Balances |
2 5,884 | 5,884 | (6,891) | |
Balances carried forward | 39 433 | 39 433 | 33 549 |
Balance C/Fwd.
Minibus 10,000 Fridge 617 Bought in Year:
Sound System 180
Total 10 797
The Accounts were approved by the Board of Bute Shinty & Athletic Club on
Bute Shinty & Athletic Club
Notes to the Accounts
- Trustee Remuneration and Related Party Transactions
During the year no trustees of Bute Shinty & Athletic Club received any monies for providing services. Trustees that received Expenses on behalf of the charity in the financial year to
30.06.2024 were W & J Duncan/ Jimmy Duncan supplied Minibus Fuel & Repairs of El 811.72.
- Movements in Funds
At 01.07.23 Receipts Payments Transfers At 30.06.24
General Fund | 7,901 | 50,757 | 48,009 | 10,649 |
Lottery Fund | 25,648 | 9,810 | 6,674 | 28,784 |
33 549 | 60 567 | 54 683 | 39 433 |
Unrestricted Funds
Restricted Funds
For Bute 1,000 1,000
Total Funds 33 549 61 567 55 683 39 433
Purposes of Restricted Funds
For Bute monies designated to supply funding for junior development camp.
Unrestricted | Restricted | ||||
3. Analysis of Donations | Funds | Funds | 2024 | 2023 | |
Bute Boatbuilders | 450 | 450 | |||
Ross & co | 1,000 | 1,000 | |||
For Bute | 1,000 | 1,000 | 2,300 | ||
Fyne Homes
Bute Island Foods Bute Dance Festival |
225 | 225 | IOO 3,000
1,250 |
Ambrisbeg | 19000 | 1 ,ooo | |||
Co-op Donation | 9,61 1 | 9,611 | |||
Stick Donations | 1,910 | 1,910 | 1,535 | ||
Kids Donations | 465 | 465 | 440 | ||
Collections | 340 | 340 | 986 | ||
Miscellaneous | 3,543 | 3,543 | 460 | ||
4. Analysis of Payments | 18 544 | 1 000 | 19 544 | 10 071 | |
Cost of Fundraising Events | |||||
Fundraising Expenses Charitable Activities | 654 | 654 | |||
Bar Purchases | 8,698 | 8,698 | 10,791 | ||
Minibus Costs | 2,146 | 2,146 | 1,677 | ||
Rates & Water Rates | 4,449 | 4,449 | 3,299 | ||
Lottery Prizes | 6,000 | 6,000 | 5,450 | ||
Heat & Light | 3,703 | 3,703 | 3,586 | ||
Clubhouse Repairs | 5,893 | 5,893 | 668 | ||
Pitch Hire
Development Camp |
358 | 358 | 528
1,560 |
Travel & Accommodation | 1,850 | 1,850 | 2,069 | ||
Insurance | 7,425 | 7,425 | 4,546 | ||
Janitorial | 1,825 | 1,825 | 2,074 | ||
Equipment (Net of Sales) | 4,392 | 7,863 | |||
Team Catering | 1,072 | 1,072 | 1,215 | ||
Referee Expenses | 1,421 | 1,421 | 1,412 | ||
Entry Fees | 440 | 440 | 1,010 | ||
Pitch Repair | 435 | 435 | |||
Admin costs
Legal Costs |
169 | 169 | |||
5. | Miscellaneous
Governance Costs |
299 | 299 | 514 | |
Affiliation Fees | 3,435 | 3435 | 2,678 | ||
Licenses | 179 | 179 | 179 | ||
Accountancy Fees | 840 | 840 | 790 | ||
55 683 | 55 683 | 52 370 |
2024 Cup draws
Camanachd Cuo
Prelim Round Oban Celtic V Bute, 1st Round Col Glen v Oban Celtic/Bute, 2nd Round Kingussie v Col Glen/Oban Celtic/Bute.
Balliamore Cup
1st Round Bute v GMA.
Bute Shinty & Athletic Club Trustees’ Annual Report – Year ended 30 June 2023
Reference and Administrative Information
Charity Name Bute Shinty & Amateur Athletic Club SCIO
Charity Registration No. SCO49581
Contact Address The Treasurer
3 Meadows Road
Isle of Bute PA200ED
Trustees: Duncan Cowan
James Craig
Liam Ferguson resigned 25.11.2022
Heather Ferguson
Marie Wilson resigned 26.06.2023
John Wilson
John Macintyre
Stewart Stirling
Ryan Craig
Peter Atkins
Craig Harrower
Rory McDonald appointed 25.11.2022
Craig Fisher appointed 25.11.2022
Anna Stancyk resigned25.11.2022
Chairperson Barry Martin
Vice Chairperson Jimmy Duncan
Treasurer David Herriot
Secretary Alan Liddell
Independent Examiner One 2 One Accountancy
10 Gallowgate Rothesay
Isle of Bute PA20 0HR
Bankers Bank of Scotland Direct
36-42 Montague Street
Objectives and Activities
The Organisation’s purposes are: The advancement of public participation in the amateur sport of Shinty on the Isle of Bute in furtherance of which it will engage in the following:
development and provision of opportunities to play the game of shinty at all levels (youth, adult and ladies) participation in league fixtures and national cup competitions across
Scotland in club colours of red and white, provision of the facilities necessary to the achievement of the above purposes. To encourage a healthy lifestyle for all ages by allowing
access to the facilities by other groups and individuals. To promote any other sport or organisation which the members deem worthy of support.
Structure, Governance and Management
Governing Document
The charity is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (a SCIO). It was registered in its current legal form on 30/08/2019. The charity was previously unincorporated. The Assets
of the Unincorporated Association were transferred to the SCIO on the 30/08/2019. It has a Two Tier structure, therefore the board is elected by and accountable to a wider body of
ordinary members at an AGM. Members have ultimate control, rather than the board, which manages and supervises the activities of the organisation, and monitors its financial position.
All Charity Trustees are appointed or re-appointed by the members at the annual General Meeting or co-opted onto board as and when required.
Trustee Induction and Training
The appointment of a new trustee is made after the Board’s discussion regarding the skills, abilities and experiences that they can bring to Bute Shinty & Athletic Club. On the
recruitment of new Trustees they are given guidelines and documentation on their
responsibilities. There is also an explanation and discussion of roles and responsibilities
during their first committee meeting.
Risk Management
The Trustees assess the risks of the Charity regularly and have noted the main risks found as Health and Safety and Financial. These are being monitored and the Trustees are doing
everything to minimise these risks. We have now been able to purchase the Clubhouse which has given the club stability and security. Activities have returned to more or less normal after
Covid, however we are very aware of the risks of a similar event in future.
Organisational Structure
Management of the charities affairs are vested in its board of Trustees. The board meets on a regular monthly basis to discuss charity affairs.
The trustees have had some related party transactions with W & J Duncan Garage, which is owned by Jimmy Duncan who is our Vice Chair. These transactions total £1457.08.
Performance & Achievements
The charity aims to promote the sport of shinty on the Isle of Bute.
Our reporting begins on 1st July 2022 which is effectively the second half of the 2022 playing season. Shinty had effectively returned to normal following the remaining restrictions on use
of dressing rooms, minibuses etc. being lifted as the Covid pandemic receded. We entered this period with both teams in challenging positions in their respective leagues and the
development team in the semi-final of the Bullough Cup. The development team went on to secure the South Division 2 title, but were unfortunate to
lose out in a close semi-final tie. That title win would have resulted in promotion had the senior team won South Division 1, but unfortunately it lost out in two very competitive
games against local rivals Colglen who went on to clinch the league title. Whilst this was a disappointing outcome both teams performed well and the young development team deserve
great credit for winning the title.
their respective leagues. At the end of June the senior team were in a very strong position in South Division 1 and there were high hopes for the rest of the season. They had also
demonstrated that they can be competitive against teams from the Premier League in cup competitions and reached the semi-final of the national Balliemore Cup by beating National
League side Strathglass in the quarter final. The semi-final on 1st July did result in defeat to a physically stronger Kilmallie side, but again the ability to compete against national League
sides was there and if promotion can be achieved this bodes well for next season. Inevitably, last year’s success meant that the development team lost some players to the senior
team and have found the league more difficult this year, but they have also produced somevery good results, most notably an away win in a Sutherland Cup tie against Kyles Athletic
from the league above and a strong finish in the league is still possible. It is encouraging to see some very young players coming in, taking their places in the side and performing well.
We are delighted that one of our young first team players, Rory McDonald has been selected for the under 17 Scotland side to tour Ireland.
A number of our players were also selected for the South under 21 side which won the CaolCup against their north rivals at the end of last season.
however despite efforts it hasn’t proved possible which is really unfortunate as this section looked so strong before Covid. A number of the ladies are still very active within the club and
some attend the main training sessions, but getting a full team out again looks challenging, but we do hope to involve the schools a bit more and to build up from that base.
At junior level we have 20/25 training weekly at primary school level and once again the Primary 7 team qualified for the national finals.
At under 14 level it is difficult to arrange games with some teams unwilling to travel to the island, but we have a strong under 17 team which is currently top of their development
league. A number of the under 17 players also feature in the senior development team. Bute had 5 representatives in the South Area under 17 team and 3 in the under 14 side, which
is a very good showing from a single club.
The clubhouse facilities continue to be well used by the wider community for keep fit, Irish Dancing and meetings of various organisations. Our agreement with Argyll and Bute Council
to provide changing facilities for other sports has now expired, however, the local amateur football team do hire the facilities directly when they are able to play on the grass park,
Weather conditions during their winter season mean that many of their games are now played on the all weather surface at the local school.
More normal funding activities such as hosting of wedding and parties have now returned at more or less normal levels as well as our club prize giving/players’ night There have also been a number of funeral services and wakes held in the main hall.
Our club lottery has been revived following Covid and whilst the income is not as strong as it once was it is recovering. We continue to look at options for putting it online, but it is quite
tricky without losing some of our loyal base of supporters.
The charity has registered for Gift Aid.
We continue to invest in the facilities with the new external doors having been fitted and the new windows are on order. They should arrive and be fitted in autumn 2023.
The charity has been very fortunate that the Covid related grants have allowed this investment to take place, this money has been almost entirely reinvested in the building and
puts it in a good position going forward.
We were also fortunate that electricity and gas contracts were renewed ahead of the major price hikes so we are protected from these until August 2025
Overall the trustees are of the opinion that the year has been a fairly successful one to date and we are very hopeful of a strong outcome to the season.
Risks and Future Plans
As suggested last year Argyll and Bute Council haven’t renewed their agreement for the
dressing rooms which is a disappointment and did represent about 10% of income pre Covid.
There seems to be no prospect of this situation changing.
As the club has a liquor license we don’t enjoy full exemption from non-domestic rates,
which since revaluation run at some £364 per month. Examination of the assessment has
shown that it is flawed and an appeal has been lodged. This level of monthly spending is an
on-going burden and we are hopeful that it will be greatly reduced. A significant reduction
would go some way towards mitigating the loss of income from the Council.
As noted above we are protected from the fuel market until August 25. The prices on renewal
do represent a risk.
Our long serving club secretary has intimated that he will step down at the AGM in
November. The risk around this has been mitigated as he has been mentoring a successor
since the last AGM. It will undoubtedly be a challenge to replace his knowledge, dedication
and hard work.
The opening of Bute Yard and the completion of Rothesay Pavilion may represent some risk
to our fundraising events particularly for hosting weddings.
On the playing side our clear ambition is to have the senior side playing at least National
League level. We hope to be in that position at start of season 2024. We also wish to maintain
a competitive team in South Division 2 next season. It will be an on-going challenge to turn
out two teams at these levels each we week. The work falls on a small number of individuals and
we really need to broaden that base.
We also hope to revive interest in the ladies’ team though we recognise that it is unlikely that we will have a competitive team next season.
We have been asked by two other local charities, Bute Agricultural Society and Bute
Highland Games, to provide an area of land on the former tennis courts which we now own
for the development of a storage shed for equipment and this is likely to progress. The club
may also include some storage space in this. Similarly, there is a prospect of part of this
ground being brought into use as a tennis court by another local organisation. The charity is
generally supportive of these initiatives and will have decisions to make as to how they can
be achieved in everybbody’s best interests.
Principal Funding has come from sources such as Clubhouse Bar for various private
functions, Fund raising Activities, Lottery run By Bute Shinty, private individual donations,
also received funding from For Bute and Bute Island Foods.
Reserves Policy
Our policy is to keep six months of annual expenditure based on 2023 figures this equates to
£26,275.00. This would enable us to wind down charity in an orderly manner and honour any
commitments we may have if the Charity was to cease. At 30.06.2023 unrestricted reserves
amounted to £33,549.00 which is above the target level.
Statement of Trustees’ Responsibilities
The charity Trustees are responsible for preparing a Trustees Annual Report and Financial
Statements in accordance with applicable requirements with the Charities and Trustees
Investment (Scotland) Act 2005, the Charities Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2006. The
Trustees are responsible for keeping proper accounting records, which, on request, must
reflect the financial position of the Charity at any time. They are also responsisble for
safeguarding the assets of the Charity and must take reasonable steps for the preventation and/or detection of fraud and other irregularitiesble.
I Report on the accounts of the charity for the year ended 30 June 2023 which are
set out on pages 1 to 10.
Respective responsibilities of trustees and examiner
The charity’s trustees are responsible for the preparation of the accounts in
accordance with the terms of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act
2005 and the Charities Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2006.
The charity trustees consider that the audit requirement of Regulation 10(1)(d) of the
Accounts Regulations does not apply. It is my responsibility to examine the accounts
as required under Section 44(1)(c) of the Act and to state whether particular matters
have come to my attention.
Basis of independent examiner’s statement
My examination is carried out in accordance with Regulation 11 of the Charities
Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2006. An examination includes a review of the
accounting records kept by the charity and a comparison of the accounts presented
with those records. It also includes consideration of any unusual items or disclosures
in the accounts, and seeks explanations from the trustees concerning any such matters.
The procedures undertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be required in
an audit, and consequently I do not express an audit opinion on the view given by the accounts.
In the course of my examination no matter has come to my attention
1. which gives me reasonable cause to believe that in any material respect the
requirements :
*to keep accounting records in accordance with Section 44(1)(a) of the 2005 Act
Regulation 4 of the 2006 Accounts Regulations, and
* to prepare accounts which accord with the accounting records and comply with
Regulation 9 of the 2006 Accounts Regulations have not been met, or
2. to which, in my opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper
understanding of the accounts to be reached.
Isle of Bute

Bute Shinty and Amateur Athletic Club SCIO
SCIO Constitution (two tier)
Bute Shinty and Amateur Athletic Club SCIO
GENERAL | type of organisation, Scottish principal office, name, purposes, powers, liability, general structure | clauses 1 – 10 | |
MEMBERS | qualifications for membership, application, subscription, register of members, withdrawal, transfer, re- registration, expulsion, termination | clauses 11 – 23 | |
DECISION-MAKING BY THE MEMBERS | members’ meetings, power to request members’ meeting, notice, procedure at members’ meetings, voting at members’ meetings, written resolutions, minutes | clauses 24 – 49 | |
BOARD (CHARITY TRUSTEES) | number, eligibility, election/ retiral/re- election, termination of office, register of charity trustees, office bearers, powers, general duties, code of conduct | clauses 50 – 79 | |
DECISION-MAKING BY THE CHARITY TRUSTEES | notice, procedure at board meetings, minutes | clauses 80 – 93 | |
ADMINISTRATION | sub-committees, operation of accounts, accounting records and annual accounts | clauses 94 – 102 | |
MISCELLANEOUS | winding up, alterations to the constitution, interpretation | clauses 103 – | |
Type of organisation
1 The organisation is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO).
Scottish principal office
2 The principal office of the organisation will be in Scotland (and must remain in Scotland).
3 The name of the organisation is Bute Shinty and Amateur Athletic Club SCIO
4 The organisation’s purposes are: 4 The organisation’s purposes are: The advancement of public participation in the amateur sport of shinty on the Isle of Bute in furtherance of which it will engage in the following.
4.1development and provision of opportunities to play the game of shinty at all levels (youth, adult and ladies)
4.2 participation in league fixtures and cup competitions across Scotland in club colours of red and white.
4.3 provision of the facilities necessary to the achievement of the above purposes.
4.4 encourage a healthy lifestyle for all ages by allowing access to the facilities by other groups and individuals.
4.5 to promote any other sport or organisation which the members deem worthy of support.
5 The organisation has power to do anything which is calculated to further its purposes or is conducive or incidental to doing so.
6 No part of the income or property of the organisation may be paid or transferred (directly or indirectly) to the members – either in the course of the organisation’s existence or on dissolution – except where this is done in direct furtherance of the organisation’s charitable purposes.
Liability of members
7 The members of the organisation have no liability to pay any sums to help to meet the debts (or other liabilities) of the organisation if it is wound up; accordingly, if the organisation is unable to meet its debts, the members will not be held responsible.
8 The members and charity trustees have certain legal duties under the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005; and clause 7 does not exclude (or limit) any personal liabilities they might incur if they are in breach of those duties or in breach of other legal obligations or duties that apply to them personally.
General structure
9 The structure of the organisation consists of: –
9.1 the MEMBERS – who have the right to attend members’ meetings (including any annual general meeting) and have important powers under the constitution; in particular, the members appoint people to serve on the board and take decisions on changes to the constitution itself;
9.2 the BOARD – who hold regular meetings, and generally control the activities of the organisation; for example, the board is responsible for monitoring and controlling the financial position of the organisation.
10 The people serving on the board are referred to in this constitution as CHARITY TRUSTEES.
Qualifications for membership
11 Membership is open to any individual aged 17 or over. The Club shall have equal opportunities for all members regardless of race, religion, gender or ability or age. Junior members under the age of 17 have no voting rights.
12 Employees of the organisation are not eligible for membership.
Application for membership
13 Any person who wishes to become a member must sign a written application for membership; the application will then be considered by the board at its next board meeting.
14 The board may, at its discretion, refuse to admit any person to membership.
15 The board must notify each applicant promptly (in writing or by e-mail) of its decision on whether or not to admit them to membership.
16 Membership subscription.
Members shall require to pay an annual membership subscription; unless or until otherwise determined by the members, the amount of the annual membership subscription shall be £50 for playing members and £20 for non-playing members and £10 for junior members.
16A. The annual membership subscriptions shall be payable on or before1st March in each year.
16B. The members may vary the amount of the annual membership subscription and/or the date on which it falls due in each year, by way of a resolution to that effect passed at an AGM.
16C. If the membership subscription payable by any member remains outstanding more than 8 weeks after the date on which it fell due – and providing they have been given at least one written reminder – the board may, by resolution to that effect, expel them from membership.
16D. A person who ceases (for whatever reason) to be a member shall not be entitled to any refund of the membership subscription.”
Register of members
17 The board must keep a register of members, setting out
17.1 for each current member:
their full name and address; and
the date on which they were registered as a member of the organisation;
17.2 for each former member – for at least six years from the date on which they ceased to be a member:
their name; and
the date on which they ceased to be a member.
18 The board must ensure that the register of members is updated within 28 days of any change:
18.1 which arises from a resolution of the board or a resolution passed by the members of the organisation; or
18.2 which is notified to the organisation.
19 If a member or charity trustee of the organisation requests a copy of the register of members, the board must ensure that a copy is supplied to them within 28 days, providing the request is reasonable; if the request is made by a member (rather than a charity trustee), the board may provide a copy which has the addresses blanked out.
Withdrawal from membership
20 Any person who wants to withdraw from membership must give a written notice of withdrawal to the organisation, signed by them; they will cease to be a member as from the time when the notice is received by the organisation.
Transfer of membership
21 Membership of the organisation may not be transferred by a member.
Expulsion from membership
22 Any person may be expelled from membership by way of a resolution passed by not less than two thirds of those present and voting at a Board meeting, providing the following procedures have been observed: –
22.1 at least 21 days’ notice of the intention to propose the resolution must be given to the member concerned, specifying the grounds for the proposed expulsion;
22.2 the member concerned will be entitled to be heard on the resolution at the Board meeting at which the resolution is proposed.
22.3 A member may have their membership suspended by a disciplinary committee of the Board comprising of a minimum of 2 of the senior office bearers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer) and where their behaviour is considered to be unreasonable and immediate action is required to safeguard the reputation of the club. Such a suspension will continue until the next scheduled Board meeting when a decision can be taken in accordance with clause 22.1 and 22.2 above.
13 Membership of the organisation will terminate on death.
Members’ meetings
24 The board must arrange a meeting of members (an annual general meeting or “AGM”) in each calendar year. The AGM must be held by 30th. November in each year, this meeting may be held by video conference if so agreed by the board.
25 The gap between one AGM and the next must not be longer than 15 months.
26 Notwithstanding clause 24, an AGM does not need to be held during the calendar year in which the organisation is formed; but the first AGM must still be held within 15 months of the date on which the organisation is formed.
27 The business of each AGM must include: –
27.1 a report by the chair on the activities of the organisation;
27.2 consideration of the annual accounts of the organisation;
27.3 the election/re-election of charity trustees, as referred to in clauses 55 to 58.
28 The board may arrange a special members’ meeting at any time.
Power to request the board to arrange a special members’ meeting
29 The board must arrange a special members’ meeting if they are requested to do so by a notice (which may take the form of two or more documents in the same terms, each signed by one or more members) by 10 members of the organisation at the time, providing:
29.1 the notice states the purposes for which the meeting is to be held; and
29.2 those purposes are not inconsistent with the terms of this constitution, the Charities and Trustee (Investment) Scotland Act 2005 or any other statutory provision.
30 If the board receive a notice under clause 29, the date for the meeting which they arrange in accordance with the notice must not be later than 28 days from the date on which they received the notice.
Notice of members’ meetings
31 At least 14 clear days’ notice must be given of any AGM or any special members’ meeting. Notification may be by e-mail or letter or if no e-mail address is given by the member. The meeting will also be advertised on the club Facebook page and website.
32 The notice calling a members’ meeting must specify in general terms what business is to be dealt with at the meeting; and
32.1 in the case of a resolution to alter the constitution, must set out the exact terms of the proposed alteration(s); or
32.2 in the case of any other resolution falling within clause 45 (requirement for two-thirds majority) must set out the exact terms of the resolution.
33 The reference to “clear days” in clause 31 shall be taken to mean that, in calculating the period of notice,
33.1 the day after the notices are posted (or sent by e-mail) should be excluded; and
33.2 the day of the meeting itself should also be excluded.
34 Notice of every members’ meeting must be given to all the members of the organisation, and to all the charity trustees; but the accidental omission to give notice to one or more members will not invalidate the proceedings at the meeting.
35 Any notice which requires to be given to a member under this constitution must be: –
35.1 sent by post to the member, at the address last notified by them to the organisation; or
35.2 sent by e-mail to the member, at the e-mail address last notified by them to the organisation.
Procedure at members’ meetings
36 No valid decisions can be taken at any members’ meeting unless a quorum is present.
37 The quorum for a members’ meeting is 12 members, present in person or by video conference.
38 If a quorum is not present within 15 minutes after the time at which a members’ meeting was due to start – or if a quorum ceases to be present during a members’ meeting – the meeting cannot proceed; and fresh notices of meeting will require to be sent out, to deal with the business (or remaining business) which was intended to be conducted.
39 The chair of the organisation should act as chairperson of each members’ meeting. In his/her absence the meeting will be chaired by the vice-chair.
40 If neither is present within 15 minutes after the time at which the meeting was due to start (or is not willing to act as chairperson), the
charity trustees present at the meeting must elect (from among themselves) the person who will act as chairperson of that meeting.
Voting at members’ meetings
41 Every member has one vote, which must be given personally or by video conference.
42 All decisions at members’ meetings will be made by majority vote – with the exception of the types of resolution listed in clause 43.
43 The following resolutions will be valid only if passed by not less than
two thirds of those voting on the resolution at a members’ meeting (or if passed by way of a written resolution under clause 47):
43.1 a resolution amending the constitution;
43.2 a resolution expelling a person from membership under clause
43.3 a resolution directing the board to take any particular step (or directing the board not to take any particular step);
43.4 a resolution approving the amalgamation of the organisation with another SCIO (or approving the constitution of the new SCIO to be constituted as the successor pursuant to that amalgamation);
43.5 a resolution to the effect that all of the organisation’s property, rights and liabilities should be transferred to another SCIO (or agreeing to the transfer from another SCIO of all of its property, rights and liabilities);
43.6 a resolution for the winding up or dissolution of the organisation.
44 If there is an equal number of votes for and against any resolution, the chairperson of the meeting will be entitled to a second (casting) vote.
45 A resolution put to the vote at a members’ meeting will be decided on a show of hands – unless the chairperson (or at least two other members present at the meeting) ask for a secret ballot.
46 The chairperson will decide how any secret ballot is to be conducted, and they will declare the result of the ballot at the meeting.Written resolutions by members
47 A resolution agreed to in writing (or by e-mail) by all the members will be as valid as if it had been passed at a members’ meeting; the date
of the resolution will be taken to be the date on which the last member agreed to itb
48 The board must ensure that proper minutes are kept in relation to all members’ meetings.
49 Minutes of members’ meetings must include the names of those present; and (so far as possible) should be signed by the chairperson of the meeting.
Number of charity trustees
50 The maximum number of charity trustees is 18; out of that:
50.1 no more than 18 shall all be charity trustees who were elected/appointed under clauses 55 and 56 (or deemed to have been appointed under clause 54); and
50.2 no more than 2 shall be charity trustees who were co-opted under the provisions of clauses 59 and 60.
51 The minimum number of charity trustees is 6.
52 A person shall not be eligible for election/appointment to the board under clauses 54 to 57 unless they are a member of the organisation; a person appointed to the board under clause 59 need not, however, be a member of the organisation.
53 A person will not be eligible for election or appointment to the board if they are: –
53.1 disqualified from being a charity trustee under the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005; or
53.2 an employee of the organisation.
Initial charity trustees
54 The individuals who signed the charity trustee declaration forms which accompanied the application for incorporation of the organisation shall be deemed to have been appointed by the members as charity trustees with effect from the date of incorporation of the organisation.
Election, retiral, re-election
55 At each AGM, the members may elect any member (unless they are debarred from membership under clause 53 to be a charity trustee.
56 The board may at any time appoint any member (unless they are debarred from membership under clause 53) to be a charity trustee.
57 At each AGM, all of the charity trustees elected/appointed under clauses 55 and 56 (and, in the case of the first AGM, those deemed to have been appointed under clause 54) shall retire from office – but shall then be eligible for re-election under clause 55.
58 A charity trustee retiring at an AGM will be deemed to have been re- elected unless: –
58.1 they advise the board prior to the conclusion of the AGM that they do not wish to be re-appointed as a charity trustee; or
58.2 an election process was held at the AGM and they were not among those elected/re-elected through that process; or
58.3 a resolution for the re-election of that charity trustee was put to the AGM and was not carried.
Appointment/re-appointment of co-opted charity trustees
59 In addition to their powers under clause 56, the board may at any time appoint any non-member of the organisation to be a charity trustee (subject to clause 50, and providing they are not debarred from membership under clause 53) on the basis that they have specialist experience and/or skills which could be of assistance to the board
60 At each AGM, all of the charity trustees appointed under clause 59 shall retire from office – but shall then be eligible for re-appointment under that clause.
Termination of office
61 A charity trustee will automatically cease to hold office if: –
61.1 they become disqualified from being a charity trustee under the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005;
61.2 they become incapable for medical reasons of carrying out their duties as a charity trustee – but only if that has continued (or is expected to continue) for a period of more than six months;
61.3 (in the case of a charity trustee elected/appointed under clauses 54 to 57 they cease to be a member of the organisation;
61.4 they become an employee of the organisation;
61.5 they give the organisation a notice of resignation, signed by them;
61.6 they are absent (without good reason, in the opinion of the board) from more than three consecutive meetings of the board
– but only if the board resolves to remove them from office;
61.7 they are removed from office by resolution of the board on the grounds that they are considered to have committed a material breach of the code of conduct for charity trustees (as referred to in clause 78);
61.8 they are removed from office by resolution of the board on the grounds that they are considered to have been in serious or persistent breach of their duties under section 66(1) or (2) of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005; or
61.9 they are removed from office by a resolution of the members passed at a members’ meeting.
62 A resolution under paragraph 61.7, 61.8 or 61.9 shall be valid only if: –
62.1 the charity trustee who is the subject of the resolution is given reasonable prior written notice of the grounds upon which the resolution for their removal is to be proposed;
62.2 the charity trustee concerned is given the opportunity to address the meeting at which the resolution is proposed, prior to the resolution being put to the vote; and
62.3 (in the case of a resolution under paragraph 61.7 or 61.8) at least two thirds (to the nearest round number) of the charity trustees then in office vote in favour of the resolution.
Register of charity trustees
63 The board must keep a register of charity trustees, setting out
63.1 for each current charity trustee: their full name and address;
the date on which they were appointed as a charity trustee; and any office held by them in the organisation;
63.2 for each former charity trustee – for at least 6 years from the date on which they ceased to be a charity trustee:
the name of the charity trustee;
any office held by them in the organisation; and
the date on which they ceased to be a charity trustee.
64 The board must ensure that the register of charity trustees is updated within 28 days of any change:
64.1 which arises from a resolution of the board or a resolution passed by the members of the organisation; or
64.2 which is notified to the organisation.
65 If any person requests a copy of the register of charity trustees, the board must ensure that a copy is supplied to them within 28 days, providing the request is reasonable; if the request is made by a person who is not a charity trustee of the organisation, the board may provide a copy which has the addresses blanked out – if the SCIO is satisfied that including that information is likely to jeopardise the safety or security of any person or premises.
66 The members must elect (from among themselves) Chairman, Vice Chairman, Past Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Facilities Convenor, Team Captains and Youth Convenor at each AGM. Team managers will be appointed, normally for a period of two years by the board and will also become trustees. The committee will also appoint a Child Protection Officer, who is not required to be a trustee, but who will report to and advise the trustees as required. It will be permissible for an individual to fulfil more than one of these roles and subject to this up to 6 additional trustees/management board members may be appointed.
66.1 The members may also elect Honorary Members (Hon. Chieftain, Vice Chieftains or patrons who will not automatically become trustees, but who will also be eligible for election as trustees under 66 above.
67 In addition to the office-bearers required under clause 66, the charity trustees may elect (from among themselves) further office-bearers if they consider that appropriate.
68 All of the office-bearers will cease to hold office at the conclusion of each AGM, but may then be re-elected under clause 66 or 67. With the exception of team managers in the first year of appointment who will continue for two years.
69 A person elected to any office will automatically cease to hold that office: –
69.1 if they cease to be a charity trustee; or
69.2 if they give to the organisation a notice of resignation from that office, signed by them.
Powers of board
70 Except where this constitution states otherwise, the organisation (and its assets and operations) will be managed by the board; and the board may exercise all the powers of the organisation.
71 A meeting of the board at which a quorum is present may exercise all powers exercisable by the board.
72 The members may, by way of a resolution passed in compliance with clause 43 (requirement for two-thirds majority), direct the board to take any particular step or direct the board not to take any particular step; and the board shall give effect to any such direction accordingly.
Charity trustees – general duties
73 Each of the charity trustees has a duty, in exercising functions as a charity trustee, to act in the interests of the organisation; and, in particular, must: –
73.1 seek, in good faith, to ensure that the organisation acts in a manner which is in accordance with its purposes;
73.2 act with the care and diligence which it is reasonable to expect of a person who is managing the affairs of another person;
73.3 in circumstances giving rise to the possibility of a conflict of interest between the organisation and any other party:
put the interests of the organisation before that of the other party;
where any other duty prevents them from doing so, disclose the conflicting interest to the organisation and refrain from participating in any deliberation or decision of the other charity trustees with regard to the matter in question;
73.4 ensure that the organisation complies with any direction, requirement, notice or duty imposed under or by virtue of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005.
74 In addition to the duties outlined in clause 73, all of the charity trustees must take such steps as are reasonably practicable for the purpose of ensuring: –
74.1 that any breach of any of those duties by a charity trustee is corrected by the charity trustee concerned and not repeated; and
74.2 that any trustee who has been in serious and persistent breach of those duties is removed as a trustee.
75 Provided they have declared their interest – and have not voted on the question of whether or not the organisation should enter into the arrangement – a charity trustee will not be debarred from entering into an arrangement with the organisation in which they have a personal interest; and (subject to clause 76 and to the provisions relating to remuneration for services contained in the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005), they may retain any personal benefit which arises from that arrangement.
76 No charity trustee may serve as an employee (full time or part time) of the organisation; and no charity trustee may be given any remuneration by the organisation for carrying out their duties as a charity trustee.
77 The charity trustees may be paid all travelling and other expenses reasonably incurred by them in connection with carrying out their duties; this may include expenses relating to their attendance at meetings.
Code of conduct for charity trustees
78 Each of the charity trustees shall comply with the code of conduct (incorporating detailed rules on conflict of interest) prescribed by the board from time to time.
79 The code of conduct referred to in clause 78 shall be supplemental to the provisions relating to the conduct of charity trustees contained in this constitution and the duties imposed on charity trustees under the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005; and all relevant provisions of this constitution shall be interpreted and applied in accordance with the provisions of the code of conduct in force from time to time.
Notice of board meetings
80 Any charity trustee may call a meeting of the board or ask the secretary to call a meeting of the board.
81 At least 7 days’ notice must be given of each board meeting, unless (in the opinion of the person calling the meeting) there is a degree of urgency which makes that inappropriate.
Procedure at board meetings
82 No valid decisions can be taken at a board meeting unless a quorum is present; the quorum for board meetings is 5 charity trustees, present in person or by video conference.
83 If at any time the number of charity trustees in office falls below the number stated as the quorum in clause 82, the remaining charity trustee(s) will have power to fill the vacancies or call a members’ meeting – but will not be able to take any other valid decisions.
84 The chair of the organisation should act as chairperson of each board meeting or in their absence the vice-chair.
85 If either is not present within 15 minutes after the time at which the meeting was due to start (or is not willing to act as chairperson), the charity trustees present at the meeting must elect (from among themselves) the person who will act as chairperson of that meeting.
86 Every charity trustee has one vote, which must be given personally.
87 All decisions at board meetings will be made by majority vote.
88 If there is an equal number of votes for and against any resolution, the chairperson of the meeting will be entitled to a second (casting) vote.
89 The board may, at its discretion, allow any person to attend and speak at a board meeting notwithstanding that they are not a charity trustee – but on the basis that they must not participate in decision-making.
90 A charity trustee must not vote at a board meeting (or at a meeting of a sub-committee) on any resolution which relates to a matter in which they have a personal interest or duty which conflicts (or may conflict) with the interests of the organisation; they must withdraw from the meeting while an item of that nature is being dealt with.
91 For the purposes of clause 90: –
91.1 an interest held by an individual who is “connected” with the charity trustee under section 68(2) of the Charities and Trustee
Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 (husband/wife, partner, child, parent, brother/sister etc) shall be deemed to be held by that charity trustee;
91.2 a charity trustee will be deemed to have a personal interest in relation to a particular matter if a body in relation to which they are an employee, director, member of the management committee, officer or elected representative has an interest in that matter
92 The board must ensure that proper minutes are kept in relation to all board meetings and meetings of sub-committees.
93 The minutes to be kept under clause 92 must include the names of those present; and (so far as possible) should be signed by the chairperson of the meeting.
Delegation to sub-committees
94 The board may delegate any of their powers to sub-committees; a sub-committee must include at least one charity trustee, but other members of a sub-committee need not be charity trustees.
95 The board may also delegate to the chair of the organisation (or the holder of any other post) such of their powers as they may consider appropriate.
96 When delegating powers under clause 94 or 95, the board must set out appropriate conditions (which must include an obligation to report regularly to the board).
97 Any delegation of powers under clause 94 or 95 may be revoked or altered by the board at any time.
98 The rules of procedure for each sub-committee, and the provisions relating to membership of each sub-committee, shall be set by the board.Operation of accounts
99 Subject to clause 100, the signatures of two out of four signatories appointed by the board will be required in relation to all operations (other than the lodging of funds) on the bank and building society accounts held by the organisation; at least one out of the two signatures must be the signature of a charity trustee.
100 Where the organisation uses electronic facilities for the operation of any bank or building society account, the authorisations required for operations on that account must be consistent with the approach reflected in clause 99.
Accounting records and annual accounts
101 The board must ensure that proper accounting records are kept, in accordance with all applicable statutory requirements.
102 The board must prepare annual accounts, complying with all relevant statutory requirements; if an audit is required under any statutory provisions (or if the board consider that an audit would be appropriate for some other reason), the board should ensure that an audit of the accounts is carried out by a qualified auditor
103 If the organisation is to be wound up or dissolved, the winding-up or dissolution process will be carried out in accordance with the procedures set out under the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005.
104 Any surplus assets available to the organisation immediately preceding it’s winding up or dissolution must be used for purposes which are the same as – or which closely resemble – the purposes of the organisation as set out in this constitution.
Alterations to the constitution
105 This constitution may (subject to clause 106) be altered by resolution of the members passed at a members’ meeting (subject to achieving the two thirds majority referred to in clause 43) or by way of a written resolution of the members.
106 The Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 prohibits taking certain steps (e.g., change of name, an alteration to the purposes, amalgamation, winding-up) without the consent of the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).
107 References in this constitution to the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 should be taken to include: –
107.1 any statutory provision which adds to, modifies or replaces that Act; and
107.2 any statutory instrument issued in pursuance of that Act or in pursuance of any statutory provision falling under paragraph
107.1 above.
108 In this constitution: –
108.1 “charity” means a body which is either a “Scottish charity” within the meaning of section 13 of the Charities and Trustee
Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 or a “charity” within the meaning of section 1 of the Charities Act 2011, providing (in either case) that its objects are limited to charitable purposes;
108.2 “charitable purpose” means a charitable purpose under section 7 of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 which is also regarded as a charitable purpose in relation to the
Annual General Meeting
Held in the clubhouse at 7-00pm on 25th. November 2022
Present: – Barry Martin, Jimmy Duncan, David Herriot, Alan Liddell, James Craig, Ryan Craig, Scott Harvey, Rory McDonald, John McIntyre, Craig Fisher, Julie Robertson, Marie Wilson, Iain McDonald, Stewart Stirling Jnr, Regan Craig and John Wilson
Apologies: – John MacCallum, Duncan Cowan, Craig Harrower, Tom McMillan, Franco Devlin, David Kilpatrick, Kevin Queen, Heather Ferguson, Peter Atkins and Stewart Stirling.
Barry began the meeting by welcoming everyone to our AGM thanking them for their attendance, did express his disappointment with the number of members absent.
Minutes of 2019 AGM.
Barry asked all to read the Minutes of the AGM held on 26th.November 2021, there being no objections approval was proposed by John McIntyre and seconded by James Craig.
Proposed changes to Constitution
There had been no changes proposed.
Chairman’s Report.
Barry was happy that Covid was not such a factor on our season and that we were almost back to normality. We did have a slow start due to the weather, however when we did get going both our senior teams started well. We had very good numbers at training and it was especially pleasing to see so many young players being selected for our teams. Our First Team were only beaten to the league title at the end by Col Glen who were very worthy winners of South Division 1.
Our young second team won the South Second Division title and proved the playing side future of our club looks assured for years to come. It was also pleasing to see the representation for our club at all age groups in the South of Scotland squads, this shows the improvement in our youth structure and reflects the hard work put in by all our coaches. We do however need more coaches to help at this level.
The clubhouse had been improved by the construction of new changing facilities, new heating boilers had been installed, new metal external doors had been purchased and were awaiting fitting and new pvc windows had been priced and would be ordered shortly.
We have seen an increase in the number of functions being held in the clubhouse bringing in much needed income.
Barry concluded by thanking a number of members for their work on behalf of the club over the past year, Duncan Cowan who is continually seen working on the clubhouse and the grassed areas of the Meadows, Alan for all his work most of which is unseen by us, David for keeping our finances up to date and in good order, Julie for all her work on the functions and looking after the bar and our lottery, the team managers for all their time taking training, picking teams and on match days, it was good to see Iain McDonald back and assisting with this work, all the committee members, the ladies who helped with match day hospitality and last but not least our sponsors Ross Accountants, Bute Foods and the Bike Shed for their financial help to our club, to Howat`s Housekeeping Services for washing the strips and to Nicola Speirs for her physio services on training nights.
Secretary’s Report – Alan Liddell
We once again are one of the local causes for the Co-Op local community fund which should bring in much needed money for our club, please ask family and friends to support our club. Thanks to Jaqueline Stirling making an initial approach to the Sheese Factory we were able to obtain a grant of £3000 which we used to purchase senior and junior sticks and helmets, shinty balls and training equipment form Tanera and Shinty World. We have received a cheque for £1250 from Bute Highland Dance Festival who have dissolved their organisation and distributed their funds to local groups. It looks likely that the Camanachd Association will pass a resolution at their AGM making it compulsory for all senior players to wear helmets for the 2023 season although the face mask protection may not be required. Training to restart on Thursday 12th. January at the school campus.
The night in clubhouse to celebrate the 50th. Anniversary of our Sutherland Cup win was a great success and enjoyed by all.
Treasurers Report – David Herriot
Financial assist due to the Covid situation saw our Income to be around £64k, however in the period to June 2022 this fell to approx. £28k. This was due to it becoming more difficult to obtain income from outside sources, also the Argyll and Bute Council contract for supplying changing facilities has ended and we will now have to charge other clubs for use of this. On the plus side we are once again one of the local causes on the Co-Op Local Community Fund and this will help to fill the gap. Expenditure this year was around £60k mainly due to work on the clubhouse and will hopefully return to around £45k for the coming year.
David then asked for the adoption of the accounts and trustees report, this was proposed by Alan Liddell and seconded by Jimmy Duncan.
David then emphasised the importance of donations from those who pay income tax making full use of gift aid, this can be applied to most donations as well as match day collections and makes a big difference to the amounts received.
Lottery Report – Julie Robertson.
Julie stated that the lottery was picking up again after it had been closed due to covid and the failure of the online version we had tried. Julie was investigating a more cost effective online version as used by Kyles Athletic and this should improve income, Julie also asked for more support from club members and their families in buying tickets. Opening Balance £7,046, closing at 30th. June 2022, £7115.
Many thanks once again to Muriel McCarry for all her work in collecting and banking the takings, Muriel goes out in all weathers and does a tremendous job for our club.
Youth Report – James Craig
James thanked Ryan and Julie for their help on training nights and reported we had approx. 30 youngsters attending these sessions. We may struggle at under 14 level a several are moving up and we also need more members at all age levels.
James then asked the question regarding fielding an under 17 team next season, we have a few moving up to this age group and if we do not play them at this level or our second team, we may lose them. This to be discussed further at committee meetings.
Ladies Report – Marie Wilson
Marie reported that they intended to start again from scratch and were looking for players now.
Club Chaplain Report
This first year as the club’s first Chaplin has been a time of learning names (and nick-names!), learning about the game, the club and getting a sense of how I can be useful. as Chaplain, I am here to support the teams and the wider club community with things they may be struggling with, be it mental health challenges, difficult life situations or just being someone to listen.
The nature of my role is such that I hope to be completely unnecessary, and yet I want to build relationships such that folk feel free to come to me if something does come up. so, though I do often feel like a spare part I am glad that some have felt able to get in touch. I am available and on the WhatsApp group so don`t feel you have to wait for training to restart.
I would like to thank you all, especially Alan, for your welcome into club life, I have enjoyed being part of it and look forward to next season.
On a personal note, my wife and I hope to be adopting a little boy in the new year, you will probably see him with me at some point in the coming year but for the first couple of months we will be settling into family life together and so I will not be out and about till a few weeks before the season starts in March.
Office Bearers for 2023
Honorary Chieftain Sophia Bute
Honorary Vice Chieftains John McMillan, Dugald Walker, Duncan Cowan, Jimmy Duncan,
Billy Crawford and Bobby Middleton.
Chairman Barry Martin
Vice Chairman Jimmy Duncan
Secretary Alan Liddell (this will be his last year).
Treasurer David Herriot
1st. Team Manager James Craig.
1st. Team Fixtures Secretary James Craig
2nd. Team Manager Stewart Stirling
2nd. Team Fixtures Secretary John McIntyre
1st. Team Captain Craig Fisher
1st. Team Vice Captain tba
2nd. Team Captain Rory McDonald
2nd. Team Vice Captain tba
Club Team Fitness and Training Coach To be appointed.
Child Protection Officer Julie Robertson
Youth Convenor James Craig
Bute Ladies manager Heather Ferguson
Ladies Team Captain tba
Ladies Team Vice Captain tba
Additional Committee Duncan Cowan, Peter Atkins, Craig Harrower John McIntyre, Marie
Wilson and Ryan Craig,
Social Committee Decided by main committee.
Facilities Convenors James Craig and Duncan Cowan
Playing Field Convenors Duncan Cowan, Ted McDonald, James McMillan
Club Chaplain Peter Atkins
Membership Fees
After much discussion the membership fees for 2023 were set at £100 for adult playing members and match officials, Fees of £20 for junior members and £30 for adult social members were also agreed and passed. Senior team players will be able to pay their fees in full or £10 on each match day.
First Team Strip sponsor Jim Ross Accountants
Second Team Strip sponsor Bute Sheese.
Iain McDonald brought up the use of the old tennis courts and suggested it should be grassed over and used for training purposes and that the proposed new storage shed to be used by other organisations should not go ahead. It was pointed out that the transfer of the grounds in part was conditional on this building going ahead, there was agreement that this would continue and would not impact greatly on our training needs.
Barry concluded the meeting by th
South Division 1
Bute 8 GMA 0
Bute finally played their last game of the season as they hosted GMA at the Meadows, the sun was shining bright and the playing surface was in ideal condition as the home team aimed to keep their 100% league record.
GMA travelled short of players and started the game with 11, Bute were also down to the bare bones being short of 5 first team pool players and had no substitutes.
The game started with both teams eager to attack and the away team showed that despite being a player short they were determined to make a game of it. This lasted however only until the 8th. minute when Ryan Craig hit a shot from a tight angle which the keeper could only parry into the path of the onrushing John Wilson who calmly dispatched the ball into the back of the net.
Bute were now showing their usual attacking flair and penned the away team deep in their own half and it was no surprise when after 25 minutes a poor clearance from a defender found Rory McDonald 20 yards from goal and his powerfully hit shot soared high into the net leaving the keeper helpless.
Only 5 minutes later Iain McDonald brushed aside 3 defenders in a strong run towards goal and the ball broke to Ryan Craig who made no mistake from close range putting the home team in a very comfortable position. Ryan again found the back of the net with an unstoppable effort after 44 minutes to leave the home team 4 nil ahead at the break.
GMA regrouped at the start of the second half and held out until the 65th minute when the powerful John Wilson again found the back of the net from close range. GMA were now beginning to tire and the ball was seldom out of their half as the Bute onslaught continued. Iain McDonald, confirmed his position as top goal scorer in this league when he struck home after 70 mins.
There continued to be no respite for the GMA defence and man of the match John Wilson scored two more after 78 and 82 mins to finish the scoring and give Bute a comfortable 8 nil win.
All credit must be given to GMA for making the journey even though very short of players and enabling Bute to complete their season.
The players who stepped up from Bute second team showed the strength in depth of the club, young Dean Robertson was untroubled in defence, Aidan McGregor was a tireless in his efforts and John Wilson used his strength to be a constant problem to the away backline scoring four goals in the process.
Manager James Craig is fully aware that the challenges to be faced in the National League will be a very different proposition, however he has is very happy with his playing squad and looks forward with confidence to next season, saying the planning starts now.
On Saturday 23rd. September our First Team received the South Division 1 trophy and medals form Burton Morrison of the CA. That night we had a very well attended Players Awards night in the clubhouse.
South Division 1
Ballachuilsh 0 Bute 7
On Saturday 26th August Bute made the long journey to Jubilee Park to play Ballachulish in a South Division 1 fixture. They expected a close game as Ballachulish are normally much stronger on their own pitch and Bute were short of four first team regulars.
Their concerns came to nothing as the replacements played their part in another very convincing win.
Once again the Bute forward line were in top form and from the first whistle went at the home defence in wave after wave of attacks, the Ballachulish defence held out until the 10th minute when Rory McDonald continued his goal scoring run by finding the back of the net with an unstoppable shot leaving the goal keeper helpless. Then Iain McDonald showed he would not be left behind by his son Rory by firing in two quickfire goals on 17 and 20 minutes to put the away side in a commanding position. .
On the half time whistle Franco Devlin, who was giving yet another fine game capped his performance by driving a powerful shot past the home keeper to put Bute four nil ahead at the break.
In the second half, not to be outdone by his father, Rory again found the back of the net to finish off another great passing move by the forwards after 52 minutes to put his team further ahead.
Bute continued to pulverise the home defence with the entire team pushing forward as the sought to increase the scoreline, however a combination of poor finishing and resolute defence by Ballachulish kept the away team out.
It was not until the 80th minute that Bute added to the score when Rory McDonald completed his hat trick with another unstoppable effort following yet another fast passing move by the forwards.
The final goal of the game came after 87 minutes when a lob from distance from Franco Devlin was saved by the keeper, the ball broke to substitute 14 year old Regan Craig who calmly slipped the ball home for his first First Team goal.
Such was the dominence of the away team their keeper only had two touches of the ball.
This completed the scoring and yet another convincing win for Bute who are averaging 7 goals a game while conceding 0.5 in the league.
Bute manager was delighted once again by the result and the contribution made by Second Team players John Wilson, Robert Lowry and Regan Craig saying this showed the strengh in depth of the club.
This win puts Bute within touching distance of the South Division 1 title, they require 1 point from their remaining two fixtures, both against Glasgow Mid Argyll, although such is their superior goal difference even one point should not be required.
Saturday 19th. August 2023
South Division 1
Bute 5 Kyles Athletic 0
The rain forecast for the afternoon did not come about and the game started in perfect weather conditions and on an excellent playing surface.
Bute, on the back of the 16 nil demolition of Ardnamurchan last week, went into the game confident of a victory against a Kyles team who are having a difficult season at this level.
The first half of the game however was a very close affair, Kyles more than held their own and were not overawed by their top of the table opponents. The early play provided good chances to score for both teams without success.
Bute did go ahead when the prolific scorer Iain Mcdonald found the back of the net after 19 minutes finishing off a fine passing move by the home forwards.
The home crowd then expected a few more goals to put Bute in a convincing position, however it was not to be as Kyles kept the home team at bay with their keeper dealing easily with any shots on target.and Kyles engineered several chances to find the back of the Bute net, they did not manage to take them and the half ended with no further scoring.
The usual stern half time team talk by manager James Craig and Iain McDonald let the players know they were unhappy with their play and improvement was required for the remainder of the game.
Their words were heeded and from the start Bute attacked the away teams defence and were immediately rewarded when Ryan Craig scored with a powerful shot one minute into the second half. This did settle the home team as they upped their game and started to move the ball at pace pulling the away defence apart and creating many chances. Iain McDonald found himself with time and space after 53 minutes to find the back of the net with a strongly struck effort which left the keeper helpless and put his team three goals ahead. The Kyles team started to tire and the superior fitness of the home team meant that most of the play was in the away team half. Many chances were created and scorned before Ryan Craig again found the back of rhe net after 69 minutes to put his team further ahead. Kyles had not learned their lesson in allowing Iain McDonald time and space as he once again punished them with another effort which flew past the keeper into the net after 77 minutes to complete his hat trick.
This completed the scoring with the overworked Kyles defence holding out for the remainder of the game as Bute continued to make and miss chances. The Kyles team with a mixture of youth and experience should be proud of their efforts.
Although satisfied with the end result manager James Craig expected more of his players than they showed in the first period and stated improvement was required for the trip to Ballachulish next week.
This win puts Bute 4 points clear at the top of the league with three games remaining, Ballachulish away and second top GMA home and away. .
Saturday 12th August 2023
Ardnamurchan 0 Bute 16
South Division 1
Bute made the long journey to Strontian confident that their 100% league record would remain intact against an Ardnamurchan side who have struggled all season to come to terms with life in South Division 1.
The journey was not without its problems as when the team arrived at the Corran ferry terminal they were told that due to technical problems the boat was not running, this then required a long land journey round Loch Linnhe arriving at the ground only a few minutes before the scheduled start time.
It was the home team who started the game strongest as the Bute players suffered from the lack of a proper warm up before the game, Ardnamurchan however were unable to seriously trouble the away defence..
Bute soon found their form and the Ardnamurchan defence struggled under the constant pressure, Josh Cowan began the rout scoring after 13 minutes and then the floodgates opended up. Before the half time whistle Iain Mcdonald and Ryan Craig both had fournd the back of the net three times with Rory McDonald adding two more leaving Bute 9 nil ahead.
The second period offered no respite for the home team as the Bute forwards found the killer scoring touch they had promised all season, goals came at regular intervals as Bute added 7 more strikes to their tally through Ryan Craig and Rory McDonald with two each, Iain McDonald and Josh Cowan with one and an unforunate own goal by the home teams Peter Grace.
It was a day when the Bute forwards excelled, almost every shot was on target and they were ruthless in their approach to the game. It was a hard lesson for the home team to take, however they will not often come up against a team in such good form.
Manager James Craig was once again delighted with his teams performance and with only four games to go Bute are two points clear at the top with a game in hand.
Next up is a home game at the Meadows against Kyles seconds.
The journey home for Bute was not as smooth as the match, the nuts on a rear wheel of the mini bus started making concerning noises and they were fortunate to get as far as the Colintraive ferry before they sheared off leaving it undrivable.
Saturday 17th. July 2023
South Division 2
Bute 3 Inveraray 1
Saturday 17th July 2023
South Division 1
Aberdour 2 Bute 7
Bute travelled to play Aberdour at Silversands looking to keep their 100% league record intact knowing a win would be good enough to top the table by 1 point over GMA.
Bute started the match in the same manner they have approached all league games this season by going on the attack from the first whistle.
The Bute forwards were showing great movement pulling the Aberdour defence continually out of position as they were constantly supplied with a succession of accurate passes from midfield. This pressure paid off after only 8 minutes when Josh Cowan continued his recent goal scoring streak by finishing off a fine passing move with a shot which left the home goalkeeper floundering.
This lead would only last until the 20th minute when a mix up in defence allowed Finlay Williamson to equalise with a close in shot.
Bute were immediately back on the attack and were awarded the first of three penalties during the game after 27 mins which was despatched confidently by Josh Cowan to put his team back into the lead, unfortunately he was unable to convert a further penalty later in the match.
Despite constant pressure Bute were unable to add to the scoreline and after 36 minutes disaster struck when another mix up in defence enabled John Martin Phillips the time and space to fire home and draw his team level once again.
The half time interval came with no further scoring and the Bute team were disappointed that despite their dominance they were still on equal terms.
Once again a half time team talk galvanised the Bute team and after only 2 minutes of the second period they went ahead once more when a powerful shy from Franco Devlin found captain Craig Fisher at the back post and he found the back of the net with ease.
This lifted the heads of the Bute team and their confidence once again was restored.
The pressure was telling on the Aberdour defence and after 70 minutes they conceded their third penalty of the game, Scott Harvey stepped up to take it and it sped past the goalkeeper to put his team 4 – 2 ahead.
The strong second half performance by Bute continued, the highlight of which was 3 goals in a 10 minute spell from the 77th to 87th minute by Iain McDonald, enabling his team to record a comfortable victory.
Player of the game for Bute was Franco Devlin whose all-round performance was exemplified by his strong shy hit ins which played havoc with the home team.
Stand in manager Iain McDonald was delighted that, despite some heads going down at half time, the team regained their confidence and raised their game in the second half to record yet another impressive victory.
Next up for Bute is a journey on Saturday 22nd July to play Glasgow Mid Argyll at Peterson Park, Yoker. GMA are only a point behind and are unbeaten in the league. This will be the toughest league test for Bute this season they will have to be at their very best to take something from this encounter.
Saturday 8th July 2023
South Division 1
Bute 7 Ballachulish 0
Bute kept their 100% league run intact and had a comfortable win on Saturday 8th July against Ballachulish, such was their dominance that Gordon Currie in the home goals did not touch the ball during the entire 90 minutes.
The pitch was in perfect condition and suited the fast-passing game of the home team as they looked to put the disappointing Balliemore Cup defeat by Kilmallie behind them.
Right from the whistle to start the match Bute were on the offensive, the centre line of Craig Fisher, Arran Dunn and Franco Devlin took total control of the midfield pushing forward to supply the attackers with ample supply of good ball as well as adding to the attacking threat.
It only took until the 6th minute for Bute to take the lead when Robin McAlister finished of a fine forward move with a powerful shot leaving the away keeper helpless.
Bute continued to attack the Ballachulish goals, however a combination of poor finishing and resolute defence kept the score line down until after 26 mins another swift passing movement from the Bute forwards ended with a pin point accurate pass from the left across the goal area was met by Robin McAlister who guided the ball past the keeper to put his team two goals ahead.
The remainder of the opening period continued in the same vein with the away defence under constant pressure and the Bute forwards scorning numerous chances to add to the scoreline.
The veteran Iain McDonald entered the fray at the start of the second half and quickly showed his experience by his control of the forward line, they began to play the ball making full use of the width of the pitch with accurate passing constantly dragging the away defence out of position.
It was Iain who put Bute further ahead after 55 minutes when he took advantage of defensive panic in the Ballachulish goal area making full use of the time and space afforded to him to flick the ball home from close range.
The forward line of Robin McAlister, Josh Cowan, Iain McDonald and Leon McMillan were now running riot and pulling the over worked away defence all over the pitch, their shooting began to be more accurate and it came as no surprise when Leon McMillan rounded off another great personal performance by hitting home a powerful effort after 57 minutes.
The home crowd were shouting for more and Josh Cowan did not disappoint them when he dragged the defence apart and finished with an unstoppable shot after 70 minutes.
The Ballachulish defence were beginning to wilt under the pressure and this showed after 75 minutes when a ball from the right side of the pitch across the area was put past his own keeper by Nathan MacLeod.
The goal of the game came after 78 minutes when the ever-impressive C J McMillan gathered the ball deep in his own half, ran 50 yards leaving several opponents in his wake before giving the ball to Rory McDonald who finished with aplomb from 25 yards to complete the scoring.
Full credit should be given to the Ballachulish defence who despite being under constant pressure for 90 minutes kept trying to the end, not giving up until the final whistle.
This was the type of performance manager James Craig had been looking for, setting his team up nicely for the remainder of the league season starting with an away match against Aberdour on 15th July.
Balliemore Cup Semi Final
Kilmallie 5 Bute 1
On Saturday 1st July Bute travelled to neutral Taynuilt to take on National League side Kilmallie in a semi-final of the Balliemore Cup.
Bute faced a strong wind and several torrential rainstorms during a difficult first half for the team.
The opening 15 minutes saw both teams sizing up the opposition with neither side gaining an upper hand. The speed and movement of the Bute forwards was causing problems to the Kilmallie defence who began to use doubtful methods of tackling to subdue the Bute side, this mainly went unpunished by the referee.
Then disaster for Bute, they failed to clear their lines and Calum MacDougal made full use of the time and space he found himself in to fire his team into the lead with a shot that eluded Gordon Currie in the Bute goals.
Then on 27 minutes a further setback for Bute when Ryan Craig was the victim of a very dangerous tackle and had to leave the field with a bad knee injury, he was replaced by the returning Leon McMillan.
Bute then went on the attack and Josh Cowan sent a powerful shot just wide of the right-hand post and Leon McMillan had a strong effort well saved by the Kilmallie keeper.
Then the normally dominant Bute defence fell apart as Kilmallie scored three more goals in the space of 13 minutes, all converted by the ever alert Calum MacDougal leaving Bute four nil down at the break.
The half time talk by James Craig and Iain McDonald combined with having the wind and rain at their backs revitalised the Bute team.
The defence at last got to grips with the Kilmallie forward line, the mid field began to win more of the ball and the team pushed forward.
The strong running and skilful play of forwards Josh Cowan and Leon McMillan, ably backed up by Marcus Planck and Rory McDonald, began to cause problems for the Kilmallie defence. This was rewarded after 61 minutes when Leon McMillan took the ball past two defenders and hit a powerful effort past the helpless keeper.
Bute continued to pressurise the Kilmallie defence with several efforts well saved by the keeper and others narrowly past the post or over the bar, however they were unable to add to their score.
The referee had blown to award a free hit to Bute when Marcus Planck took a knock to his left shoulder, Marcus immediately knew it was serious and left the field of play.
The game then went once more the way of Kilmallie and in the final minute Calum McDougall hit his and his teams fifth goal of the game to complete the scoring.
The Kilmallie team were well worthy of their victory and on the day were the better side, Bute however can take comfort from their second half performance and look forward to the remaining league games as the strive for the Championship of South Division 1 in which they have a 100% record to date.
Bute would like to extend sincere thanks to the doctor accompanying the Kilmallie team for his prompt medical assistance to the injuries suffered by Ryan Craig and Marcus Planck.
Saturday 17th June
South Division 2
Bute 1 uddingston 3
Saturday 10th June
South Division 1
Lochside Rovers 1 Bute 6
Bute travelled to Oban to play Lochside Rovers at Mossfield Park with a full squad of players hoping to extend their 100% league record, it was another warm sunny day on a good playing surface suiting the passing style of play of the away team.
There was an early shock however for Bute when against the run of play Lochside opened the scoring after 5 minutes with a shot that eluded the unsighted goalkeeper to put the home team ahead.
This unexpected reverse did not put the Bute team off their game and they immediately went back on the attack putting pressure on the home defence, this paid dividends when after 10 minutes Josh Cowan found the back of the net finishing off a fine passing movement by the forwards.
The continuous wave after wave of Bute attacks resulted in Josh Cowan again finishing off a move with a powerful shot to put his team ahead leaving the home keeper helpless.
The Bute defence were untroubled as their centre line gave them full protection as well as supplying their forwards with plenty of excellent passes and before half time Ryan Craig scored two first class goals to put them comfortably ahead at the break.
The second half was a repeat of the first with Bute totally dominating the match, the team continued to make use of the full area of the park running the home team ragged. Both Josh Cowan and Ryan Craig completed their hat tricks with strongly hit shots past the overworked Lochside keeper, the woodwork also saved the home team on two occasions.
This was a very satisfying for Bute against one of the better teams in the league, the good goal scoring run of the team continued, four different players have scored hat tricks in the last two league games and they have five out of the top eight goal scorers in the league.
Manager James Craig was delighted with the overall display of his team, especially the communication between the players who supported each other for the full 90 minutes of the game, never letting up and giving their all.
This win puts them second in the league and sets them up nicely for the Balliemore Cup tie at the Meadows on 17th. June against National League side Strathglass.
Saturday 13th. May
Bute v Lochside Rovers
South Division 1
It was a perfect day for shinty at the Meadows, bright sunshine, no wind and a playing surface in ideal condition.
Bute welcomed a Lochside Rover team which had only suffered one defeat in the league this season and a difficult encountered was envisaged.
Bute started the match in the same fashion as the game against Aberdour the previous week putting their opponents on the back foot from the first minute with a fine display of attacking shinty using the full width of the pitch to allow their passing game to best advantage.
Many chances were created; however, the forwards were unable to take advantage of them as their shots were seldom on target and as the half progressed the crowd grew restless at the lack of scoring and thoughts of Lochside opening their account with one of their few attacking forays grew, luckily for Bute their defence was once again dominant and allowed the away team no shooting opportunities.
Bute finally opened the scoring in the 33rd minute when team captain Craig Fisher cleverly controlled a ball at the edge of the D taking it into the goal area and finishing with aplomb, much to the delight of the home supporters. Despite more constant pressure Bute were unable to add to their advantage as the first half drew to a close.
The second half began with they away team changing the pattern of play and managing to get into the Bute half and having the majority of the play and possession. This came to no avail as the Bute defence of Scott Harvey, Liam Ferguson and brothers CJ and Callum McMillan defended with strength and skill once again to give full protection to goalkeeper Gordon Currie.
A water break midway through the half allowed Bute to regroup and change the game as their forwards once again gained the advantage as the mid field of Craig Fisher, Arran Dunn and Franco Devlin provided them with plenty of controlled and accurate passes.
Arran Dunn hit the cross bar from 40 yards and Ian McDonald also rattled the bar with a fierce shot as the Bute pressed for more goals.
The superior fitness of the home team began to prove decisive and it was no surprise when a weak defence clearance fell to Rory McDonald who took full advantage and found the back of the net in the 80th. minute. Bute were now in total control and Ryan Craig shot from 30 yards with the ball just dipping under the crossbar to put Bute three ahead after 85 mins.
It only took two more minutes for Iain McDonald to complete the scoring when he struck home an unstoppable shot from 20 yards.
This was another fine display for Bute with the only disappointment being once again their lack of composure in front of goal, we are certain this will improve as the season progresses.
Man of the match goes to Arran Dunn, in only his third game playing at centre he controlled the game throughout giving his more experienced opponent a lesson in composure and control.
Next up for Bute is another home league game on Saturday 20th May against Aberdour with a 3pm start.
Saturday 6th May 2023
Balliemore Cup
Bute 4 Aberdour 0
A comfortable cup win for Bute against an Aberdour team unbeaten in South Division 1 this season.
Bute dominated from start and put the Aberdour defence under constant pressure creating and spurning numerous chances with the away keeper dealing confidently with all efforts on goal.
It took until the 25th minute for Bute to open the scoring when a long ball from midfield was expertly controlled by Rory McDonald on the left, he then looked up and saw his father Iain McDonald advancing forwards goal, his pass was inch perfect and Iain calmly flicked the ball past the onrushing keeper to put Bute deservedly ahead.
Aberdour had very few counter attacks however Gordon Currie in the home team goalkeeper was untroubled as his defence once again stood firm limiting the away team to shots from distance.
Despite having the majority of possession, it took Bute until the 45th. minute to double their lead when Ryan Craig took the ball past several defenders before unleashing a powerful shot which left the Aberdour keeper helpless as it soared into the back of the net giving Bute a comfortable lead at the break.
The second period began much the same vein as the first with Bute applying constant pressure and this was rewarded after 60 minutes when a fine passing move from the Bute forwards ended with Iain McDonald again finding the net with a clever shot placed well away from the keeper to put his team three goals in front.
Bute continued to pressurise the away teams defence however they again spurned many good opportunities to add to the scoreline and manager James Craig took the opportunity to rest some of his players using substitutes, even making a cameo appearance himself for all of 5 minutes.
It was one of the substitute players, William Boag, who finished the scoring in the 90th. minute when his mishit shot from 20 yards bobbled towards the goal totally deceiving the keeper and just making it over the goal line.
This was a very encouraging win for Bute who have clearly learned from recent games against higher league teams and are showing improvement in every game. Strathglass now await Bute in the next round which will be played at the Meadows on Saturday 3rd. June.
Next up for Bute is a home game on Saturday 13th. May when they host Lochside Rovers in a South Division 1 fixture with a 3pm start, this will be only the second league game of the season for Bute.
MacAulay Cup
Oban Camanachd 5 Bute 0
This proved to be as difficult as expected for a young Bute team against a vastly more experienced home team.
Oban pressurised Bute from the start and although they defended well they could not cope with the attacking strength of the home team and goals came at regular intervals. Louie McFarlane on 27 mins, Daniel Cameron on 32 mins and Malcolm Clark after 35 mins gave the home side a comfortable lead at the half time interval.
The second half was a repeat of the first although the Bute team continued to defend their goal with passion and resolve and restricted Oban to only two more goals scored by Matthew Sloss on 52 mins with Daniel Madej on 67 minutes completing the scoring.
This was the third Saturday in a row that Bute have played higher league teams, twice against Premier League opposition and one against a National League side and with each game they learn and gain confidence with the team performance improving each time, they can now look forward with confidence to next week’s Balliemore Cup tie against fellow South Division 1 team Aberdour.
ButeShinty and Amateur Athletic Club SCIO
Annual General Meeting Minutes
Held in the clubhouse at 7-00pm on 26th. November 2021
Present: – Barry Martin, Jimmy Duncan, David Herriot, Alan Liddell, James Craig, Ryan Craig, Aidan McGregor, Gordon Currie, Scott Harvey, Rory McDonald, Liam Ferguson, Craig Harrower, Peter J Atkins, Marcus Plank, Ewan McMillan, Anna Stanczyk, Joanne Wilson, Arron McKirdy, Adam Stirling, John McIntyre and Craig Fisher.
Apologies: – John MacCallum, Julie Robertson, Duncan Cowan, Marie Wilson, John Wilson, Stewart Stirling, Arran Dunn.
Barry began the meeting by welcoming everyone to our AGM thanking all for their attendance on this very cold night. This was our first in person AGM since the start of covid, we had held it by Zoom last year.
Minutes of 2019 AGM.
Barry asked all to read the Minutes of the AGM held on 30th.November 2020, there being no objections approval was proposed by James Craig and seconded by Ryan Craig.
Proposed changes to Constitution
There were no proposed changes at this time.
Chairman’s Report.
Due to Covid19 it was another very trying year for our club and sport although we did get back to playing shinty, a game we all love. We fielded two very strong men’s teams although the second team did not play as many matches as we would have liked due to travel restrictions and other clubs being unwilling to make the journey to Bute. We had very good numbers attending our training sessions and thanks to all who made the effort to come along, it bodes well for next season.
It was a very exiting time for our club as the deeds to the Meadows were transferred from the Mount Stuart Trust to us, a little bit of history as not many shinty clubs can say they own their playing fields, our younger members will benefit from this in the future.
We also had the construction of new changing facilities in the old squash court area giving us first class dressing rooms which were badly needed, thanks are due to Duncan Cowan, James Craig, Ryan Craig, Alan and Jane Liddell.
We also welcomed team playing strip sponsors Jim Ross Accountants and Bute Sheese and benefited from the continued support of David Kilpatrick of the Bike Shed.
Barry thanked all those who contributed to the running of the club, to David and Alan for all their work throughout the year, especially David with his new money streams.
Finally, thanks to every one for your support over the past year.
Secretary’s Report – Alan Liddell
Due to Covid 19, the favourable financial situation we have at present and the cancellation of the annual youth training camp, we did not apply for any grant money this year. Shinty sticks are proving difficult to obtain, those ordered from Tanera during November 2019 will not now be delivered until February 2022 and they are not taking any further orders at present. Kyles Camans supplied us with around half of our order and we have no information on when the remainder will be delivered. We would appreciate more help from the players on match days in clearing the hall after the teas have been served.
Night in clubhouse to celebrate the 50th. Anniversary of our Sutherland Cup win.
Treasurers Report – David Herriot
We had the advantage this year in that we had very little in outgoing expenses, David had filled in a couple of online forms and was rewarded with approx. £50,000 from the Scottish Government, this paid for the materials used in forming the new dressing rooms and much more besides. We again had Argyll and Bute Council paying us for the use of our changing facilities for other Island sports clubs, this meant that we did not need to apply for any other grant funding last year.
The transfer of the deeds to the Meadows went very smoothly and will be of great benefit to our club in the future.
The Annual Financial Report was passed and approved, proposed by Alan Liddell and seconded by James Craig. The Trustees` report was also passed and approved, proposed by Alan Liddell and seconded by James Craig.
Lottery Report – Alan Liddell
As our lottery was closed last year, we had an opening balance for the financial year of £7066 and a closing balance at 30th June of £7046, the only charge was our annual lottery license to A and B Council of £20. We have tried an online version of the lottery however this has proved to be unpopular and we will therefore returned to our previous format from Monday 22nd. November.
Many thanks once again to Muriel McCarry for all her work in collecting and banking the takings, Muriel goes out in all weathers and does a tremendous job for our club.
We would ask for the support of all members and their families in buying tickets for our lottery, it is a major source of income for our club.
Youth Report – James Craig
The season was very limited for our young teams although our under 14`s did win a semi-final of the Strathdearn Cup competition, the final is now unlikely to be played. We do have very good numbers attending training sessions.
Ladies Report – Joanne Wilson
Only two games were played although we hope to get back on track after New Year.
Office Bearers for 2022
Honorary Chieftain To be decided.
Honorary Vice Chieftains John McMillan, Dugald Walker, Duncan Cowan, Jimmy Duncan,
Billy Crawford and Bobby Middleton.
Chairman Barry Martin
Vice Chairman Jimmy Duncan
Secretary Alan Liddell
Treasurer David Herriot
1st. Team Manager James Craig.
1st. Team Fixtures Secretary James Craig
2nd. Team Manager Stewart Stirling
2nd. Team Fixtures Secretary Stewart Stirling
1st. Team Captain Ryan James Craig
1st. Team Vice Captain tba
2nd. Team Captain Liam Ferguson
2nd. Team Vice Captain Aidan McGregor
Club Team Fitness and Training Coach To be appointed.
Child Protection Officer Julie Robertson
Youth Convenor James Craig
Bute Ladies manager Heather Ferguson
Ladies Team Captain Anna Stanczyk
Ladies Team Vice Captain tba
Additional Committee Duncan Cowan, Peter Atkins, Craig Harrower John McIntyre and Marie
Social Committee Decided by main committee.
Facilities Convenors James Craig, (John MacCallum), Duncan Cowan
Playing Field Convenors Duncan Cowan, Ted McDonald, James McMillan
Club Chaplain Peter Atkins
Membership Fees
The membership fees for 2022 were set at £55 for adult playing members and officials, Fees of £10 for junior members and £20 for adult social members were also agreed and passed. Senior team players to pay £5 at each away match towards travelling expenses. It is suggested that the senior players must pay a minimum of £25 towards their membership before they are registered with the Camanachd Association and therefore would not be eligible to play for the club until this was received.
First Team Strip sponsor Jim Ross Accountants
Second Team Strip sponsor Bute Sheese.
Nothing of note.
Ardnamurchan 3-5 Bute
South Division 2
Bute second team made the long trip north west to face closest rivals Ardnamurchan in a top of the table clash. Bute began the day 3 points ahead of their rivals but with Ardnamurchan having a game in hand anything less than a victory would have put Ard in pole position going into the final games of the season.
The short pitch at the High School was bathed in sunshine and the large partisan crowd were treated to a cracker of a match, with the pendulum swinging in both directions over the 90 minutes. With so much at stake the players would have been forgiven for cautiously easing into the game and sounding each other out, but both teams went hammer and tongs from the first whistle. Bute struck the first blow after 15 minutes when the ball was worked up the right channel into Neil McKirdy’s feet and his high crisp shot from the edge of the D gave the keeper no chance. Ardnamurchan found themselves back on level terms after 23 minutes with Duncan Gorman finding himself in plenty of space to thrash a powerful shot high into the net.
The remainder of the passed by with both teams pressing for the next goal and it was Bute who came the closest with an howitzer of an effort from Rory McDonald cannoning back of the junction of bar and crossbar. Bute’s half time team talk was about focus and concentration however these words proved futile as Ardnamurchan went into the lead straight from the throw up. The centre was won but the ball was cleared easily by the half backs and two hits of the ball later Herbie Paterson rifled in a finish to leave Bute shell shocked and the home support in raptures.
This was a real test of character for the young Bute side as Ardnamurchan threw everything at the Bute goal but the men in red stood firm and began to play their way back into the match. McKirdy got his second goal of the match with another fine finish from close range and ben Watson found himself on the scoresheet with a low drive from distance to give Bute the lead as the momentum shifted. McKirdy duly completed his hat trick to put Bute 4-2 and in control Bute any thoughts of Ardnamurchan throwing in the towel were dispelled when communication broke down in the Bute defence and Stuart Carmichael scored a tap in from a rebound.
This set up a grandstand finish but the young guns of Bute showed a maturity that belied their years to see the game out comfortably with McKirdy’s late 5th capping a great performance from the islanders. Bute’s defence was again key to the win with Gordon Currie commanding the goal area and marshalling his defenders. Full backs; John Wilson, James Dunn and Ryan Tierney all put their bodies on the line and defended bravely throughout with man of the match Liam Ferguson dominating the centre of the park from half back, tackling ferociously and driving his team forward. Ben Watson & Craig MacKay were linking the play well between defence and attack from the wings with Archie Kilpatrick and Ewan McMillan getting through a power of work at half forward continually harassing their markers and keeping the supply of ball moving forward. Rory McDonald was unlucky not to add to his goal return this season and his clever movement helped to create chances for others. Neil McKirdy’s four goal haul was his best performance for a number of weeks and had the cutting edge which gave Bute victory. Archie McNaughton came off the bench for the last 15 minutes and was unlucky not tot see his long range strike creep under the crossbar and into the net.
Bute now require one point from their remaining two fixtures to seal the South Division 2 title with their next game being home to Inveraray on the 10th of September.
Saturday 27th. August 2022
South Division 1
Bute 1 Col Glen 3
It was yet another perfect day for shinty at the Meadows, the large and vocal crowd greatly adding to the atmosphere of this top of the table clash.
The game started at a very high tempo in a cup tie fashion as both teams went full pelt trying to gain the upper hand. Col Glen, who have had several very hard fought games in recent weeks used this experience to put pressure on a home team who have enjoyed too many easy games and this proved to be the difference in the game.
The physically stronger away team always looked dangerous on the attack while the Islanders relied on breakaways.
The Glen went ahead after 20 minutes when Auryn Kerr finished off a fine move with a powerful shot which left the home keeper with no chance of a save.
Bute were looking dangerous in their occasional forays up the park but a combination of poor finishing and failure to pass to a team mate in a better position cost them dearly as the ever dangerous Dan McDonald turned his marker and found the back of the net with a fine finish after 38 minutes.
Bute then thought they had pulled a goal back when Iain McDonald followed a shot into the “D” and bundled the ball over the line, the joy was short lived however when it was chalked off for the ball being kicked into the net.
The second half began with no change in the pattern of play or the high tempo with which both teams approached the game. The home team began to get back into the match and created several chances without any real threat to the away keeper.
Scott Harvey of Bute was the sent off for dangerous play leaving the home team with 11 men. This proved to be the spur they needed and despite being a player short they began to have more of the play and pose a greater threat to the away goal. The Islanders however went three down when Dan McDonald again showed his goal scoring ability after 75 minutes with another well taken effort.
To the credit of the home team they kept going and Craig Fisher beat several defenders and the goalkeeper to pass the ball into the net after 77 mins to give his team hope of getting something out out of the game.
Despite several near things and Ryan Craig hitting the post there was no more scoring and Col Glen ran out worthy winners.
This leaves the Glen 4 points clear at the top of the league with Bute having 2 games in hand and still to play their opponents away, therefore there is still all to play for in the battle for the battle for first place.
Bute have no match this week due the South versus North under 21 game at Coal, we will be represented there by Stewart Stirling, Murray McCl
Bute 9 Cruachanside 1
South Division 1
On a perfect day for shinty Bute hosted Cruachanside in a South Division 1 game at the Meadows, the home team were aiming to continue their unbeaten league record.
Manager James Craig made several selection changes to reward those who train on a regular basis and they slotted in seamlessly as his team overran their opponents in the sunshine at the Meadows.
Bute started off on the front foot and were rewarded in the 12th. minute when Iain McDonald finished of a fine passing move with an unstoppable shot past the away keeper, this lead was short lived however as on their first foray upfield Kyle McFarlane collected the ball, turned his marker and drove the ball into the net for an equaliser.
This stunned the Islanders into action and they exerted constant pressure on the away defence with Scott Harvey giving the home team the lead after 17 minutes, again finishing off an excellent passing movement.
Captain Ryan Craig then drove forward from his centre role and scored two well taken goals after 21 and 38 minutes to give his team a comfortable 4 – 1 interval lead.
The second half continued in the same vein with Bute on the attack and an own goal by Zander Kilmurray increased the lead in the 46th minute, the away team teams occasional break outs were being well managed by the home defence..
Iain McDonald completed his hat trick with expertly taken goals after 60 and 62 minutes and was then substituted for his son Rory, manager James Craig also took the opportunity to give first team game time to second team captain Liam Ferguson.
These substitutions made no difference to the game as Bute continued on the offensive and young Rory McDonald scored an absolute peach of a goal in the 70th. minute. Scott Harvey hit his second and his teams 9th. goal after 80 minutes to complete the scoring and a fine win for Bute.
Bute 7-2 Ardnamurchan
South Division 2
Bute welcomed top of the table Ardnamurchan to the Meadows on Saturday in their first outing since their narrow defeat in the Bullough Cup semi final. The game had been switched from Ardnamurchan due to the availability of their pitch giving Bute the home advantage in this top of the table clash. Bute were missing 4 regular starters in captain Liam Ferguson, Ronnie McMillan, Ben Watson and Aiden McGregor and Bute started tentatively, allowing Ardnamurchan to get the ball first and move the ball up the park. As the first half wore on, Bute began to grow into the game and dominate proceedings with the normally solid defence of John Wilson, Ryan Tierney, Reuben Doyle and Chris Lawrence providing a solid foundation allowing the ball to rarely cross the halfway line for the remainder of the period. As Bute began to increase the pressure the forward line was seeing more of the ball and the with the excellent movement of Rory McDonald and Josh Cowan it seemed only a matter of time before Bute opened the scoring. The goal Bute richly deserved came after 25 minutes when Josh Cowan was rewarded after a lung bursting run to get onto the end of McDonald’s blocked shot and dispatch past the keeper. Bute doubled their advantage a few minutes later when a short corner found McDonald in space and his powerful low shot was not match for the keeper.
Bute turned the screw following the half time interval and Cowan got his second of the afternoon after 50 mins with a smartly taken finish. Ardnamurchan made use of a rare foray into Bute territory when a low shot evaded the lags of Gordon Currie and just slipped over the line however straight from the centre Bute restored their advantage when Cowan completed his hat trick. Ewan McMillan had come on and with almost his first touch, slammed a powerful shot high into the top corner from the angle. Archie Kilpatrick and Archie McNaughton were also introduced at this point with both producing fine cameos from the bench. Ardnamurchan had a some more of the ball at this point and forced Currie into 3 outstanding saves showing great reflexes and agility to keep the ball out. There was nothing he could have done about Ardnamurchan’s second goal which flashed by him into the corner of the net.
Bute’s response was to fire in 2 goals in 2 minutes with Rory McDonald scoring another screamer from distance after winning the ball and driving forward and Ruiradh Soane capping the scoring off with a low drive. This was an excellent win for a Bute team that ended the game with eight u17 players on the park. With four league games to go, Bute are point behind Ardnamurchan with a game in hand but with three of those games away from home and one of them at Ardnamurchan there is a difficult run in but one which will make for an exciting climax to the season.
The game started of promisingly for the away team as they matched their opponents in the first few minutes. Then two long balls from GMA over the heads of the Bute defence in the 4th. and 19th minutes resulted in two well struck shots finding the net from the prolific Ewan Fraser. Manager James Craig was unhappy with his teams defence and the manner in which they gave away those goals.
Bute then defended stoutly and only conceded one more goal in the first half when Calum McLay found the back of the net in the 45th. minute leaving the away team with a mountain to climb in the second period.
This proved too much for them as GMA scored two more quick goals in the 50th. and 54th. minutes through Ewan Fraser and Brian Slattery to put the game well outwith the reach of Bute.to end the match as a contest.
Bute then dug deep and continued to defend with great resolve, a couple of injuries forced them into making substitutions with the veteran player and team manager James Craig having to enter the fray late in the match.
No more goals were scored although the dominance of GMA was shown by the fact Bute did not manage one shot on target in the 90 minutes.
Great credit to Bute for never giving up under constant pressure and limiting the Premier League team GMA to 5 goals.
Craig Fisher, in the unfamiliar position of centre, had a fine game with his non stop running and composure as did second team captain Liam Ferguson drafted into the Bute defence. The team as a whole will benefit and learn from the experience of playing at this level.
Saturday 21st. May 2022
South Division 1 Cruachanside 1 Bute 6
Bute travelled to Taynuilt full of confidence following a run of excellent results which took them to the top of South Division 1
They were soon brought down to earth when the home side found the back of the net after just 30 seconds through Kyle McFarlane. This stung Bute into action and they pressed forward in numbers looking for an equaliser, this duly came in the 10th minute when Craig Fisher added to his recent scoring run with a fine shot which flew past the home keeper. Bute continued to dominate the game in the first half and two more goals came along through Scott Harvey in the 15th. minute and another from Craig Fisher just before half time giving the away team a comfortable three one lead at the interval.
The second half began with more of the same, Bute constantly on the attack going further ahead in the 50th.minute when Scott Harvey again found the back of the net. The home team were struggling to get out of their half of the pitch and the Bute pressure resulted in a defender kicking the ball in the area giving away a penalty which Scott Harvey duly dispatched high into the back of the net to complete his hat trick.
Manager James Craig then took advantage of this comfortable lead to once again give game time to promising youngsters Liam Ferguson and Rory McDonald and they both proved worthy of his confidence in them slotting seamlessly into Islanders system of play.
There was no let up in the attacking play from Bute and Scott Harvey scored his fourth goal and his teams sixth as the the clock ran down to the final whistle.
Manager James Craig was once again delighted with his teams display and the continuation of their winning streak, he did however say that next Saturdays Camanachd Cup tie away to Premier League team Glasgow Mid Argyll would be a much sterner test of their ability and resolve.
South Division 1
Kyles Athletic 1 Bute 4
Bute travelled to Tighnabruaich on the back of two fine wins against higher league opposition Aberdour to face a Kyles team who have not had the best of results this season.
The early part of the first half was a fairly even affair with the away team perhaps just having more of the play although neither goalkeeper was seriously troubled.
The breakthrough for Bute came in the 23rd. minute when Franco Devlin cut in from the right and unleashed an unstoppable strike past the home keeper. Bute then started to exert more pressure on the Kyles defence but could not add to their lead until the in form Josh Cowan found the back of the net after 30 minutes with another unstoppable strike from 20 yards. We then had a burst of attacking play from the home team which led to a fine goal from Dave Martin after 39 minutes and it was once again game on.
This goal spurred the Bute team into action and they took more control of the game, Scott Harvey chased a long ball into the D, knocking it past a defender and then the keeper before flicking it into the net from a narrow angle to restore his teams two goal lead. The game as a contest was effectively over in the 44th. minute when Craig Fisher had a half hit shot from the right of the goal which deceived the keeper and ended up in the back of the net to leave Bute 4 – 1 ahead at half time.
This win puts Bute top of South Division 1 with next up for them an away game at Taynuilt against Cruachanside on 21st. May.
Mount Stuart Trust gifts ownership of playing pitches to the Bute Shinty and Amateur Athletic Club
Today Saturday 30th October sees the official handover of the ownership of the Meadows playing fields to the Bute Shinty and Amateur Athletic Club from the Mount Stuart Trust. Following a donation of the land from the Mount Stuart Trust, the club took ownership earlier this year. Today a short ceremony to mark the occasion is taking place to coincide with an end of season friendly against local rivals Colglen. It follows an existing leasing agreement in a three way partnership with Argyll and Bute Council.
The proposal to transfer ownership stemmed from negotiations on the renewal of the ground lease from Mount Stuart Trust to the club when both parties agreed that the best way forward would be to transfer ownership. Mount Stuart Trust generously offered to do so at no cost and also included the wider Meadows area subject to the ongoing tenancy of Argyll and Bute Council. The club currently boasts one of the best clubhouse facilities in the sport and this new ownership of the pitches and surrounding land will allow the club to further develop its ambitions for this important community resource for the whole island.
Speaking ahead of the handover Sophie Crichton-Stuart of the Mount Stuart Trust said: “Working closely with the team at The Isle of Bute Shinty Club we are delighted to be able to officially mark the handover of ownership of the playing pitches. Recognising the importance of the role of shinity and the club in island life and acknowledging the facilities as an invaluable resource for the wider community, it gives me great pleasure to know that this new ownership will allow the club to realise its ambitions for the Meadows and I look forward to visiting for a Shinty match or other future events.”
The Bute Shinty and Amateur Athletic Club Chairman Barry Martin said: “This gift of the Meadows pitches will have a huge impact for the Isle of Bute Shinty Club. We are very much a community club with our clubhouse used for a huge range of events, with everything from Yoga Classes to Irish Dancing, weddings and funerals taking place here. Many will also be aware of the key role the club plays in hosting the annual Agricultural show and Highland Games and this transfer of ownership will allow us to move on and start to plan a much needed storage facility for the Agricultural Society/Highland Games.
Throughout the process the club is very grateful for the very generous support and advice provided by Elaine Campbell of Wm. Skelton and Co, Solicitors, which made the process very straightforward for us. In marking the handover today we are also taking the opportunity to recognise the many years of service of volunteer Margaret Whitelaw whose post match catering has fed many a team and its supporters over the years.”
History of Shinty on Bute
Shinty has always been a feature on Bute even prior to the formation of any club sides on the island with the famous Buteman Cup being competed for since 1900. With guidance & support from the Marquess of Bute and Sir Colin MacRae, Bute Camanachd was formed in September 1907 as the first constituted club on the island with North Bute formed a short time afterwards. Early games involved friendlies and local cup competitions and by 1910 Kingarth Shinty club had also been formed.
In the 1920s & 30s only a strong North Bute side took the field combining the best players on the island and competed in the first Sutherland Cup final in 1923 against Newtonmore, losing by the odd goal in 5.
Following WW2 Bute Shinty Club was reconstituted and has remained the only island team ever since. The club has saw many notable victories over the years namely in the Sutherland Cup in 1972 and the Balliemore Cup on 5 occasions. Promotion to the top tier of shinty, the Premier league, was secured for the 2007 season 100 years after the first club had been formed on the island.
The club currently has 1st & 2nd teams in men’s shinty, a burgeoning Ladies section and youth teams from primary up to u14 level.
Mount Stuart Trust
Connecting people, art, land and learning, The Mount Stuart Trust is a Charitable Trust founded in 1985, which works to fulfil the vision of the late John, Marquess of Bute (1933-1993). He believed that the public should be able to enjoy Mount Stuart and its gardens and surrounding landscape, and benefit from its collections and archives.
The Trust owns and administers Mount Stuart and Bute Estate. The aims of the Trust are to conserve, preserve and maintain the house, gardens and surrounding landscape for future generations, whilst facilitating public interest, understanding and appreciation of fine and decorative art, architecture and the rural environment, and to promote access, education and research. www.mountstuart.com
Registered Scottish Charity number: SC009584.
Our annual general meeting will be held in the Clubhouse, the Meadows on Friday 27th. November with a 7-00pm start.
Many thanks once again to CalMac Community Fund for their award to our youth section, it was put to good use during covid19 lock downs.
Our First Team have reached the semi final of the Balliemore Cup, they will face Beauly on 4th. September at the Jubilee Park Ballachuilish with a 3pm start.
Our Second team are at home the same day to Aberdour in a league fixture.
The sad passing of Johnny Bute.
There has been a feeling of shock on the island generally and it has been felt particularly within our club where he held the post of chieftain, he was also a personal friend of a number of the former players of his generation. We are all greatly saddened by his passing and would pass on our condolences and best wishes to the family.
The connection with the Bute Family goes back to the Club’s foundation in the early 20th century and Johnny succeeded his ancestors as chieftain, however, as a friend of several players, he played a particularly active role in the early/mid 90’s when the Club built and then extended the current clubhouse and made extensive pitch improvements. Whilst it is fair to say he will always be more remembered for motor sports, he did wield a caman on at least one happy occasion in a celebration match as well as carrying out opening ceremonies in the clubhouse, on the first occasion with his father. We believe he was the only chieftain so far to actually take to our Meadows pitch. We have include pictures from these memorable days, some more are permanently on display at our clubhouse.
We have always been aware of his benevolent hand being behind the club and that he was always a good friend to us. We hope that we will be able to continue to have a strong connection with the Bute Family.
Barry Martin
Bute Shinty & Athletic Club Trustees’ Annual Report – Year ended 30 June 2020
Reference and Administrative Information
Charity Name Bute Shinty & Athletic Club SCIO
Charity Registration No. SC049581
Contact Address The Treasurer, 3 Meadows Road, Rothesay, Isle of Bute, PA200ED
Trustees: Duncan Cowan, James Craig, John Maccallum, Heather Ferguson, Mel Williams, Appointed 29/11/2019 Marie Wilson, John Wilson Appointed 29/11/2019, John MacIntyre Appointed 29/11/2019, Stewart Stirling, Ryan Craig, lain McDonald Resigned 29/11/2019
Principal Office Bearers: Chairperson Barry Martin, Vice Chairperson Jimmy Duncan, Treasurer David Herriot , Secretary Alan Liddell.
Independent Examiner: One 2 One Accountancy 10 Gallowgate Rothesay Isle of Bute PA20 OHR
Bankers: Bank of Scotland Direct 36-42 Montague Street Rothesay PA20 0BU
Trustees’ Annual Report- Year ended 30 June 2020 Objectives and Activities
The organisation’s purposes are: The advancement of pub]ic participation in the amateur sport of shinty on the Isle of Bute in furtherance of which it will engage in the following: development and provision of opportunities to play the game of shinty at all levels (youth, adult and ladies) participation in league fixtures and national cup competitions across Scotland in club colours of red and white, provision of the facilities necessary to the achievement of the above purposes. To encourage a healthy life style for all ages by allowing access to the facilities by other groups and individuals. To promote any other sport or organisation which the members deem worthy of support.
Structure, Governance and Management Governing Document
The charity is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (a SCIO). It was registered in its current legal form on 30/08/20I9. The charity was previously unincorporated. The Assets of the Unincorporated Association were transferred to the SCIO on the 30/08/2019. It has a Two Tier structure , therefore the board is elected by and accountable to a wider body of ordinary members at an AGM. Members have ultimate control, rather than the board, which manages and supervises the activities of the organisation , and monitors its financial position
Recruitment and Appointment of Trustees
All Charity Trustees are appointed or re-appointed by the members at the annual General Meeting or co-opted onto board as and when required.
Trustee Induction and Training
The appointment of a new trustee is made after the Board’ s discussion regarding the skills, abilities and experiences that they can bring to Bute Shinty & Athletic Club. On the recruitment of new Trustees they are given guidelines and documentation on their responsibilities. There is also a n explanation and discussion of roles and responsibilities during their first committee meeting.
Risk Management
The Trustees assess the risks of the Charity regularly and have noted the main risks found as Health and Safety and Financial. These are being monitored and the Trustees are doin g
everything to minimise these risks. T he Clubhouse is currently on a short term lease
agreement for the land is currently sits on. As previously discussed in our Achievements we are in the process of purchasing this which will give the club stability and securit y.
Organisational Structure
Management of the charities affairs are vested in its board of Trustees. The board meet s on a regular monthly basis to discuss charity affairs.
Trustees’ Annual Report- Year ended 30 June 2020
Related Parties
The trustees have had some related party transactions with W & J Duncan Garage, which is owned by Jimmy Duncan who is our Vice Chair. These transactions total £759.86.
Performance & Achievements
The charity aims to promote the sport of shinty on the Isle of Bute. It’s on field activities are divided into three sections.
Ladies section
The highest achievers in the club in 2019 20, gaining promotion from the Women’s Camanachd Association Development League via the development League Finals in Fort William to the South League, where they played 2 competitive matches including a first win at this level the week before the 2020 season fell victim to the pandemic.
The team were also invited to take part in the Mod Cup in Glasgow in October and competed well before being overcome by strong and experienced Premier League opponents Glasgow Mid-Argyll.
The ladies also made other charitable endeavours including raising£1420 for the local hospital by sponsored running, walking and cycling over 1000 miles during lockdown and assisting in delivering supplies to vulnerable people using the club minibus.
Men’s teams
The men’s teams competed in The National League and South Division 2 in 2019.
Despite some competitive performances the season ended in October with relegation to South Division 1. Bute fielded a very young side with the majority teenagers and also suffered from injuries, suspensions and retirements of some very experienced players. The amount of travel involved in the National League with several away fixtures involving 8 hour plus minibus journeys will always be a handicap at this level. The performances from many of the youngsters gave a lot of hope for the future. The senior side was also invited to the Mod Cup Final where they competed well with a strong Glasgow Mid Argyll side before losing on penalties.
The young development side also acquitted themselves well in South Division 2 finishing 5th again showing a future depth of talent.
Unfortunately neither side was able to play any games in 2020.
Junior section
Bute always pride themselves on a thriving youth section and our current crop in 2019/20 is no exception, with participation levels excellent across all age groups and a group at nursery age for the first time introducing kids to shinty at a very early age. At youth level there is no distinction between girls and boy’s shinty and all of our training sessions and competition teams are made up from a mixture of boys and girls. Our senior teams have been going through a transitional phase in recent years and, with many stalwart players retiring, our strong youth section has filled the void with some exceptionally talented young players who have taken on the mantle of senior players with aplomb. We have a large turnout at senior training but the majority of the players are between the ages of 14-19 which bodes well for the future of the club.
Bute P7 and under were successful in topping their section in the Cowal and Bute indoor winter league and qualified for the National indoor finals in Fort William, where they gave a good account of themselves but were unable to qualify for the latter stages. Bute PS and under and P3 and under were competitive in all their games in the Cowal and Bute winter league against tough opposition and did not disgrace themselves playing with great team spirit and gaining experience for the future. Bute u14 had a productive summer coming top of their section in the south u14 league and narrowly missing out on victory in the deciding play off against a very strong Oban team.
Junior training is once a week taken by 5 dedicated volunteer coaches with many youth players also participating in our senior training sessions which are run twice a week. Our coaches are happy to give up their spare time to coach our fantastic young players and also attend Camanachd Association run training courses to hone their skills.
Participation levels:
12 players at 15-19 year old in our senior first team 8 players at 14-16 year old in our senior second team 13 players at u14 level
18 players at P4-P7 level 14 players at Pl-P3 level
13 players at Nursery age level Off field activities
Off Field Activities
An important achievement was agreeing outline terms with our landlord Mount Stuart Trust for the transfer of the land on which the clubhouse stands, the pitch and some surrounding land to the club. The transaction is currently in the hands of the lawyers and has been delayed by the pandemic but it is hoped that this will be concluded in the next few months.
The club also as usual provided changing facilities for other sports notably football and rugby and the hall was let for various events and for keep fit, yoga and dancing classes although all of these also fell victim to the pandemic from March 2020.
As the restrictions eased club members with construction skills took advantage of the empty premises to carry out upgrading to the changing rooms which will result in much improved facilities for shinty teams and the other sports when activities resume. This has been an excellent voluntary effort by those involved.
Some senior trustees together with some of the ladies also assisted the voluntary efforts to help those shielding by delivering supplies using the club minibus.
The club was fortunate to gain substantial funding from the Co-op Community Fund late in 2019 which has helped greatly in purchasing materials for upgrading. Funding was also obtained from CalMac Community Fund for junior equipment and we were also successful in applying for the emergency funding available under the Scottish Government Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Support Grant Scheme which leaves the charity in a reasonably comfortable financial position despite the suspension of our normal fund raising events and club lottery. The application was made late in June and payment was received in early July meaning it is not included in the accounts for this reporting period.
We are proud that one of our new trustees, Mel Williams, was appointed secretary of the governing body the Women’s Camanachd Association.
Overall our view is that despite our on field and fund raising activities being severely curtailed the charity has made use of the time and space and funding available to consolidate and improve the assets, which should put us in a better position to fulfil our objectives in the future.
Trustees’ Annual Report – Year ended 30 June 2020
Principal Funding Sources
Our main source of income is from the Co-op. Other funding has come from other sources such as Clubhouse Bar for various private functions Fund raising Activities , Lottery run By Bute Shinty, and private individual donations. Calmac donated a grant in the year for Junior Shinty.
Reserves Policy
Our policy is to keep six months of annual expenditure based on 2020 figures this equates to £16705.00. This would enable us to wind down charity in an orderly manner and honour any commitments we may have if the Charity was to cease. At 30.06.2020 unrestricted reserves amounted to £36,217.00 which is above the target level.
Statement of Trustees’ Responsibilities
The charity Trustees are responsible for preparing a Trustees Annual Report and Financial Statements in accordance with applicable requirements with the Charities and Trustees Investment (Scotland) Act 2005, the Charities Account s (Scot land) Regulations 2006. The Trustees are responsible for keeping proper accounting records, which, on request, must reflect the financial position of the Charity at any time. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Charity and must take reasonable steps for the prevention and/or detection of fraud and other irregularities .
Approved by the Trustees and signed on their behalf,
Chairperson Barry Martin
Independent Examiner’s Report to the Trustees of Bute Shinty & Athletic Club SCIO.
I Report on the accounts of the charity for the year ended 30 June 2020 which are set out on pages I to I0.
Respective responsibilities of trustees and examiner
The charity’s trustees are responsible for the preparation of the accounts in accordance with the terms of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 and the Charities Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2006.
The charity trustees consider that the audit requirement of Regulation I 0(1)(d) of the Accounts Regulations does not apply. It is my responsibility to examine the accounts as required under Section 44(1 )( c) of the Act and to state whether particular matte rs have come to my attention.
Basis of independent examiner’s statement
My examination is carried out in accordance with Regulation 11 of the Charities Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2006. An examination includes a review of the accounting records kept by the charity and a comparison of the accounts presented with those records. It also includes consideration of any unusual items or disclosures in the accounts, and seeks explanations from the trustees concerning any such matters. The procedures undertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be required in an audit, and consequently I do not ex press an audit opinion on the view given by the accounts.
Independent examiner’s statement
In the course of my examination no matter has come to my attention
- which gives me reasonable cause to believe that in any material respect the requirements : to keep accounting record s in accordance with Section 44(1)(a) of the 2005 Act and Regulation 4 of the 2006 Accounts Regulations, and to prepare accounts which accord with the accounting records and comply with Regulation 9 of the 2006 Accounts Regulations have not been met, or
- to which, in my opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper understanding of the accounts to be reached .
Mrs LA Paul – AJAAP, MTAB One 2 One Accountancy Services, 10 Gallowgate Rothesay Isle of Bute, PA20 OHR
Bute Shinty & Athletic Club
Receipts and Payments Account – Year ended 30 June 2020
Unrestricted Funds 2020 |
Restricted Funds 2020 |
2020 |
2019 |
£ | |||||
Receipts Note 3 |
Donations | £15,972 | £15,972 | |||
Activities for generating Funds | £7,503 | £7,503 | |||
Membership fees/Donations | £1,175 | £1,175 | |||
Bank Interest Received | £126 | £126 | |||
£24,776 | £24,776 |
— – – – –
Grants | £1,800 | £1 ,800 | ||
Hall Hire | £5,470 | £5,470 | ||
Bar Takings | £5,00 1 | 5,001 | ||
Janitorial | £1,5 00 | 1 , 500 | ||
Tax on Charitable Activities | £979 | 979 | ||
Miscellaneous | £85 | 85 | ||
– – | – – | — | ||
37,811 | 1,800 | 39,611 | ||
Total Receipts |
Payments |
Cost of Generating Funds | 484 | 484 | ||
Charitable Activities 4 | 30436 | 1,000 | 31, 436 | |
Other – Assets 6 | 613 | 613 | ||
Governance Costs 5 | 1,873 | 1, 873 | ||
– – | — | – – | ||
Total Payments | 33,406 | 1.000 | 34.406 | |
Excess of Receipts over Payments (payments |
over Receipt) for the year | 4,405 | 800 | 5205 |
Bute Shinty & Athletic Club
Statement of Balances at 30 June 2020 |
Unrestricted funds |
Restricted funds |
Total 2020 |
Total 2019 |
Bank and Cash Balances | £30,691 | £30,691 | £30,691 | ||
Balances brought forward | |||||
Movement in year |
Excess of Receipts over Payments | 2 | 4,405 | 800 | 5,205 | |
Bank and Cash Balances
Balances carried forward |
35096 |
800 |
35,896 |
30,691 |
Balance C/Fwd |
ASSETS | |||||
B/Fwd. | |||||
Minibus | 10,000 | ||||
Bought in Year: | 6 | ||||
Fridge | 617 | ||||
Tota l | 10,617 |
The Accounts were approved by the Board of Bute Shinty & Athletic Club on 30th of November 2020.
Chairperson Barry Martin
Alan Liddell Secretary
Bute Shinty & Athletic Club
Notes to the Accounts
- Trustee Remuneration and Related Party Transactions
During the year no trustees of Bute Shinty & Athletic Club received any monies for providing services. No trustees received Expenses on behalf of the charity in the financial year to 30.06.2020.
- Movements in Funds
At 30.08.19 Receipts Payments Transfers At 30.06.20
Unrestricted Funds £ £ £ £ £
General Fund | 2,635 | 30,946 | 29,284 | 3000 | 7,297 |
Lottery Fund | 28,056 | 6,865 | 4,12 2 | (3000) | 27,799 |
Restricted Funds |
30.691 |
37,811 |
33,406 |
35,096 |
Cal mac Grant Fund | 18 00 | 1, 000 | 800 |
Purposes of Restricted Funds
Monies received from Cal mac are restricted to Junior Shinty.
- Analysis of donations
4. Analysis of Payments
Cost of Fundraising Events
Fundraising Expenses |
484 |
484 |
Charitable Activities
Bar Purchases |
4,571 |
4,571 |
Minibus Costs | 1,472 | 1,472 | |
Rates & Water Rates | 1,9 14 | 1,944 | |
Lottery Prizes | 3,500 | 3,500 | |
Heat & Light | 1, 787 | 1 ,7 8 7 | |
Hall Rep airs | 6,869 | 6,869 | |
Pitch Hire | 1 , 034 | 1,034 | |
Pitch/ Land Repairs | 1, 800 | 1,800 | |
Insurance | 3,478 | 3,478 | |
Charitable Donation | 20 | 20 | |
Equipment (Net of Sale s ) | 2 , 180 | 1,000 | 2,180 |
Team Catering | 1 ,350 | 1,350 | |
Referee Expenses | 20 | 20 | |
Commission Lottery sales | 314 | 314 | |
Admin costs | 77 | 77 | |
Miscellaneous | 50 | 50 | |
5. Governance Costs |
Affiliation Fees | 821 | 821 | |
Licenses | 602 | 602 | |
Accountancy Fees _ 450 | 450 | ||
32,793 | 1,000 | 33,793 |
2020 2019
- . Other Expenditure in Year £ £
Asset – Fridge 61 3
total 613
We realise that you are very keen to come back, we would however ask for your patience and support, we are at all times working towards a structured and safe return for all.
Some good news to cheer us up during these very sad times, our application to CalMac Community Fund has been successful and we have been awarded £1800.
Club Lottery:
Due to the closure of a number of our outlets and more importantly to protect the health of our members who collect the tickets and takings, we have taken the decision to suspend the lottery. We will be going to our outlets tonight and tomorrow morning for this weeks tickets, we will then have a draw until we have a winner. For anyone who has paid in advance we will add this on when we restart.
We would like to thank all who take part and look forward to your continued support in the future.
Taking into account today’s government guidelines and Camanachd Association advice on the coronavirus we have suspended all training at every age group until further notice.
We have also cancelled the committee meeting due to be held on Monday 30th. March, if any committee members have any pressing issues to raise please contact Alan Liddell.
Statement from CA re Covid-19 (Coronavirus):
Following the advice issued by both the Scottish and British Government in recent days, we have taken the decision to postpone all matches under our remit until further notice, additionally, we would discourage clubs from training.
While it is unlikely that shinty matches would have exceeded the 500 person quota for events put in place by the Scottish Government yesterday, we are mindful of the concerns that exist and risk associated with the spread of the virus particularly to those most vulnerable and for those travelling long distances in close proximity to others. Consequently, we have taken the difficult decision to postpone all matches under our remit. With events moving so quickly on this unprecedented circumstance we have taken medical advice throughout the week and as the public concern for this situation has grown we now feel it is incumbent on us to postpone all matches.
The wellbeing of the people in our communities is primary in this decision and we hope that this decision removes any expectations or pressures on participating during a time that we can be focused on doing all we can to suppress the spread of the virus.
If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Camanachd Association.
WCA Statement in relation to COVID-19 (Coronavirus):
Given the current developing situation in the UK and the announcements by the Scottish Governments, Scottish Football Association and other sporting bodies, in the best interest of player and community health and to help slow the spread of COVID-19 the WCA committee has discussed this afternoon and decided that all WCA governed Shinty will be postponed as of 2pm today until further notice.
Please share this with your club members and continue to follow government advice to keep yourselves, teammates, friends and family safe and healthy.
For more information from the Scottish NHS please see link below:
Any questions please feel free to email the WCA on [email protected]
Bute Ladies were away to Ardnamurchan this weekend (8th March 2020) and secured their first win of the season. Girls were down 1-0 at half time but played a great game keeping up their fight till the final whistle and managed to end the game with a 2-1 win. Everyone played amazing and put on a great performance. Scorers for Bute were Heather Ferguson and Rachel Dunn with Heather also being named referees player of the match. Well done ladies!
Bute Ladies first game of the season took place today (1st March 2020) at home to Oban Lorne Ladies. Bute got off to a strong start but ended the first half 4-2 down. The women put up a good fight in the second half however ended the game with a 7-4 loss. Bute’s scorers were: Kiera Rutherford, Nile Lawrence, Anna Stanczyk, Heather Ferguson.
BSC attended a meeting of Argyll & Bute Licensing Board at Lochgilphead on Tuesday 25th February in respect of the club’s application for a Sunday license for our ladies team and for an outdoor drinking license. David Herriot gave an excellent presentation in support of our application which resulted in it being granted in full. Bute Ladies and their visiting teams can now enjoy a post-match drink both inside and outside of the clubhouse.
The 2020 season begins for our men`s teams on Saturday 7th. March, our First Team are away to Col Glen and our Second Team are at home to Aberdour.
Bute Ladies Shinty starts their first competitive season with a home game on Sunday 1st. March against Oban Lorn.
We are very pleased to announce that after much hard work and endeavour David Herriot has achieved Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation status for our club and hereafter we will be called Bute Shinty and Amateur Club SCIO, our charity number is SC049584.
This will open up for us additional possible sources of grant funding and be of great benefit to our club.
Many thanks to David.